Can game-based assessments be included in a reliable hiring process?

Initially emerging in the early 21st century, gamification involved incorporating game-like elements, such as points and rewards, into various test parts. Over time, game-based assessments evolved from these gamified approaches, progressing beyond mere point scoring interface to embrace scenario-based evaluations and behavioral micro-candidate data.

Advocates champion game based assessments for their ability to offer a nuanced evaluation of candidates’ skills, going beyond the limitations of traditional approaches. Supporters applaud the engagement and enthusiasm these assessments inject into the hiring process, providing a refreshing departure from standard evaluations.

Critics question the long-term viability and universal applicability of game-based assessments. Concerns range from accessibility and inclusivity issues to biases embedded in game designs. Critics argue that the initial excitement around gamification may be a passing trend rather than a sustainable shift in hiring practices, prompting a deeper examination of their reliability in predicting real-world job performance.

We take a stance – game based assessments are a yes, but under conditions that need to be met and ensured. Read this guide and find out more.


  1. What are the different types of game based assessments?
  2. Do game-based assessments truly work? Examining success stories in talent assessment
  3. What are the main challenges, risks, and controversies of game-based assessments in recruitment?
  4. What conditions should be satisfied before introducing assessment games into your recruitment?
  5. Why should Assess Candidates be your partner for reliable candidate assessment?
  6. FAQs and Glossary of Terms

1. What are the different types of game based assessments?

Game-based assessments have emerged as a dynamic and innovative approach to talent acquisition, promising a more engaging and interactive evaluation of candidates’ skills and abilities. By placing individuals in simulated environments, these assessments aim to provide a more dynamic and engaging means of evaluating their skills and capabilities.

The choice of game-based assessments encompasses a rich variety of formats and structures, each designed to evaluate different aspects of a candidate’s skills, competencies, and attributes. Here are several diverse types of game-based assessments:

9 types of game-based assessments

  1. Simulation Games: Simulation games replicate real-world scenarios related to specific job roles. Candidates navigate through scenarios that mimic tasks and challenges they might encounter in the workplace. These assessments gauge problem-solving abilities, decision-making skills, and the capacity to apply knowledge in practical situations.
  1. Gamified Aptitude Tests: Traditional aptitude tests are transformed into gamified experiences, incorporating interactive elements, time-sensitive challenges, and engaging visuals. This type of game-based assessment evaluates cognitive abilities, numerical reasoning, verbal proficiency, and other essential aptitudes in a more interactive and stimulating environment.
  1. Situational Judgment Games: Situational judgment games present candidates with hypothetical workplace scenarios. Candidates must make decisions based on the given situations, revealing their judgment, interpersonal skills, and problem-solving approaches. This type of assessment is particularly effective in evaluating soft skills and situational awareness.

60% of applicants abandon a job application because it took too long.

  1. Role-Playing Games: In role-playing games, candidates assume specific job-related roles and engage in simulated interactions. These assessments measure communication skills, adaptability, and the ability to handle various professional scenarios. Role-playing games provide a nuanced evaluation of how candidates may respond to challenges in a dynamic work environment.
  1. Cognitive Ability Games: Cognitive ability games assess a candidate’s mental agility, memory, and information processing speed through interactive challenges. These games go beyond traditional pen-and-paper assessments, offering a more engaging way to evaluate cognitive capabilities in a real-time, digital environment.

Over 87% of hiring managers agreed there was a better skill and competency matching when using candidate profiles from Game-based Assessments, as compared to traditional assessments.

  1. Virtual Reality (VR) Assessments: Virtual reality assessments immerse candidates in virtual environments that replicate aspects of the job they are applying for. This cutting-edge approach assesses practical skills, spatial awareness, and the ability to perform tasks in a simulated 3D space. VR assessments are particularly valuable in industries where hands-on experience is crucial.
  1. Gamified Personality Assessments: Gamified personality assessments integrate gaming elements into traditional personality assessments. Candidates may navigate through scenarios or make choices within a game environment, revealing insights into their personality traits, interpersonal skills, and work preferences.
  1. Job Preview Games: Job preview games provide candidates with a glimpse into the day-to-day tasks and challenges of a specific role. Through interactive scenarios, candidates can explore whether the job aligns with their interests and skills, aiding in self-selection and reducing turnover rates.
  1. Mobile App-based Assessments: Designed for flexibility and accessibility, mobile app-based assessments allow candidates to engage with assessment tasks using smartphones or tablets. These assessments may include challenges, quizzes, or interactive scenarios that candidates can complete on-the-go.

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2. Do game-based assessments truly work? Examining success stories in talent assessment

Real-world examples highlight how organizations have harnessed these benefits in various contexts, showcasing the effectiveness of game-based assessments.

AI recruitment market has seen a growth rate of over 64.45% from 2020 to 2023.

These innovative approaches showcase the versatility of game-based assessments in evaluating a wide range of skills, from technical proficiency and adaptability to communication and collaborative abilities. Read below stories of companies who successfully leveraged game-based assessments.

Increasing number of employers are utilizing game based assessments for candidate selection.
An increasing number of employers are utilizing game based assessments for candidate selection.

8 use cases of game-based assessments in the industry

  1. Enhanced Candidate Engagement: In the highly competitive tech industry, IBM implemented cognitive ability games to enhance candidate engagement. These games not only evaluated technical proficiency but also injected an element of excitement into the hiring process. Candidates reported increased enthusiasm throughout various stages of assessment, transforming what is typically seen as a rigorous process into an engaging experience. IBM’s approach underscores how game-based assessments can capture candidates’ interest and maintain their commitment to the recruitment journey.
  1. Skill Validation Through Simulations: Ernst & Young (EY), a global professional services firm, recognized the need for accurate skill validation, particularly in leadership roles. EY introduced leadership simulation games to assess candidates’ practical decision-making abilities. By immersing candidates in realistic leadership scenarios, EY gained valuable insights into their strategic thinking and problem-solving skills. This approach not only contributed to more accurate skill validation but also ensured that candidates possessed the essential qualities for leadership positions within the organization.

The Human Resource sector is expected to register the highest growth rate in the gamification market with compound growth rates nearly 30%.

  1. Identifying Leadership Potential: Deloitte, a leader in the professional services industry, faced the challenge of identifying candidates with inherent leadership potential for executive-level positions. To address this, Deloitte introduced business simulation games tailored for executive recruitment. These simulations went beyond traditional assessments, allowing Deloitte to pinpoint candidates with not only the required skills but also the leadership qualities essential for high-level roles. Deloitte’s initiative showcases how game-based assessments can serve as a precise tool for evaluating leadership potential in a dynamic and engaging manner.
  1. Cultural Fit Evaluation: Zappos, renowned for its distinctive company culture, prioritized cultural fit in its recruitment process. Zappos introduced an interactive culture fit game to assess candidates not only based on technical skills but also on their alignment with the company’s values and work culture. The game provided a unique way to evaluate whether candidates would seamlessly integrate into Zappos’ vibrant and customer-centric environment. Zappos’ success in cultural fit evaluation demonstrates how game-based assessments can be instrumental in ensuring that candidates not only possess the required skills but also align with the organization’s ethos.
  1. Objective Measurement of Soft Skills: PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), a leading professional services firm, recognized the importance of soft skills in client-facing roles. PwC introduced virtual client interaction simulations to objectively measure candidates’ communication skills and their ability to engage with clients. This approach provided a realistic preview of candidates’ client interaction capabilities, leading to more informed hiring decisions for roles that require strong interpersonal skills. PwC’s utilization of game-based assessments illustrates how organizations can objectively measure crucial soft skills, ensuring a well-rounded evaluation of candidates.

PwC’s candidate pool had grown by a staggering 190 percent, and candidate engagement had increased by 78 percent since the introduction of game-based assessments.

  1. Technical Skill Assessment: Google employed gamified coding challenges to assess candidates’ innovative problem-solving skills, providing a dynamic evaluation of technical proficiency.
  1. Interactive Team Collaboration Testing: Microsoft introduced gamified team projects to assess candidates’ collaborative skills, measuring how well individuals work together in a simulated collaborative environment.
  1. Customer-Centric Communication Assessment: Salesforce’s Virtual Customer Interaction Games: Developed virtual customer interaction games to evaluate candidates’ customer-centric communication skills, ensuring they can effectively engage with clients in a simulated environment.

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3. What are the main challenges, risks, and controversies of game-based assessments in recruitment?

While game-based assessments have gained popularity, there are substantial concerns and debates within the industry, prompting some to question the long-term viability and effectiveness of this approach. 

In summary, the adoption of game-based assessments is not without its challenges and critics. While they offer a dynamic approach, the industry is actively debating the sustainability, fairness, and universal applicability of this method in recruitment. Whether game-based assessments are a transformative shift or a passing trend remains a topic of considerable discussion and examination within the talent acquisition landscape

Here are several reasons highlighting the potential drawbacks.

Key challenges and risks associated with game-based assessments in recruitment

  • Accessibility and Inclusivity Concerns: Game-based assessments may inadvertently exclude candidates with disabilities, raising significant concerns about fairness and inclusivity. The reliance on visual and interactive elements could create barriers for individuals with certain impairments, challenging the notion that game-based assessments offer an equal opportunity to showcase skills.
  • Bias in Game Design: The design of game-based assessments opens the door to unintentional biases. Whether through character portrayal, scenario framing, or implicit cultural references, biases can be embedded in the games. Critics argue that these biases may inadvertently favor certain demographics, undermining the objectivity and fairness crucial in the hiring process.

When Siemens UK used a traditional set of aptitude tests to screen candidates resulted in a 16% female job offer rate, which improved to 32% when both a game-based assessment and a gamified aptitude test were used. At the same time, the number of candidates Siemens UK needed to see in order to make a job offer dropped from 5:1 to nearly 2:1.

  • Technical Glitches and Frustration: The digital nature of game-based assessments introduces a susceptibility to technical glitches. Candidates may experience frustration if technical issues disrupt the assessment process. This concern questions the reliability of game-based assessments and emphasizes the need for robust technical infrastructure to maintain a seamless user experience.
  • Validity and Predictive Accuracy: There is ongoing skepticism about the ability of game-based assessments to accurately predict on-the-job performance. Critics argue that the correlation between assessment outcomes and job success is not consistently proven. This lack of clear validity raises doubts about the reliability of using game-based assessments as a predictive tool in hiring decisions.
  • Resistance and Skepticism: While game-based assessments have gained traction, there remains resistance and skepticism, particularly in traditional industries. Some argue that the enthusiasm for gamification may be a passing trend rather than a sustainable shift in hiring practices. Skeptics question whether the initial excitement around game-based assessments will translate into long-term, widespread acceptance..
  • Overemphasis on Soft Skills: While game-based assessments excel in evaluating soft skills, there are concerns about potential overemphasis on these qualities at the expense of technical proficiency. Certain roles may require a more nuanced evaluation of hard skills, and the gamification trend may not adequately address the assessment needs of these positions.
VR technology is changing the way employers think about Game-based Assessments.
VR technology is changing the way employers think about Game-based Assessments.

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4. What conditions should be satisfied before introducing assessment games into your recruitment? 

Although the adaptation of game based assessments in candidate recruitment is not free from risks and challenges, we believe there are ways to do it with success. To achieve optimal results and unlock the full potential of game-based assessments in talent acquisition, organizations should employ a comprehensive set of strategies. Here are eight best practices to ensure successful implementation.

8 Principles of Using Game-Based Assessments

  1. Upfront Investment and ROI: Implementing game-based assessments involves an upfront investment in technology, design, and training. While organizations must be prepared for this initial cost, it’s crucial to view it as an investment in the future of talent acquisition. Calculating the return on investment (ROI) involves not just monetary gains but also improved candidate quality, reduced turnover, and enhanced employer brand.
  1. Adaptation and Continuous Training: Game-based assessments introduce a shift in the traditional recruitment paradigm, necessitating adaptability from both recruiters and candidates. Continuous training programs are essential to ensure that recruitment teams understand the nuances of assessing candidates through games. Regular upskilling and adaptation efforts are vital to stay current with evolving technology and industry best practices.
  1. Candidate Feedback and Acceptability: Soliciting and valuing candidate feedback is pivotal for the success of game-based assessments. Ensuring a positive candidate experience requires not only user-friendly interfaces but also a transparent feedback loop. Candidates should feel their input is valued, contributing to an iterative process that enhances the assessments and fosters a positive perception among candidates.

There is a 48% engagement increase among candidates when taking a gamified work assessment.

  1. Data Security and Privacy Compliance: Addressing concerns related to data security and privacy is a non-negotiable condition for implementing game-based assessments. Organizations must ensure that the chosen platforms adhere to stringent data protection regulations. Communicating these measures transparently builds trust with candidates and safeguards the organization against potential legal and reputational risks.
  1. Role Matching and Customization: Tailoring game-based assessments to specific job roles is a critical condition for success. The assessments should align with the skills and competencies required for each position. Matching the gameplay to the realities of the job ensures that the assessments provide relevant insights, enabling recruiters to make informed decisions about candidates’ suitability for specific roles.

Gamified based assessments can capture up to 5,000 candidate data points during 30 minutes assessment.
Science Direct

  1. Information Campaign and Industry Visibility: Launching a comprehensive information and marketing campaign is essential to inform both candidates and the industry about the adoption of game-based assessments. Transparent communication about the benefits, purpose, and impact of these assessments helps build trust with candidates. Simultaneously, gaining industry attention positions the organization as an innovator, attracting top talent and industry recognition.
  1. Cultural Alignment and Expectations: Aligning game-based assessments with the organization’s culture and expectations is a fundamental condition for success. The assessments should reflect the values and work environment of the company, ensuring that candidates who excel in the assessments also resonate with the organizational culture. This alignment enhances the likelihood of long-term employee satisfaction and retention.

78% of candidates say Game-based Assessments make a company employer brand more attractive.

  1. Integration with other Assessment Tools: Above all, integrating game-based assessments with established evaluation methods forms a holistic approach to candidate assessment. While game-based assessments offer unique insights into candidates’ skills and adaptability, combining them with traditional methods such as video interviews and psychometric tests ensures a comprehensive understanding of a candidate’s overall suitability for the role. Embrace a balanced evaluation strategy that leverages the engaging strengths of both game-based assessments and traditional methods, maximizing the effectiveness of your talent acquisition process.

Blend assessments to make hiring both insightful and enjoyable. View Plans

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5. Why should Assess Candidates be your partner for reliable candidate assessment?

At Assess Candidates, we understand that your business deserves the expertise and technology that can elevate your recruitment process to new heights.  In the competitive realm of candidate assessment, experience and industry insight matter. We’re not just a tool provider; we’re your trusted consultants in the entire assessment process. 

Here’s why partnering with Assess Candidates is your key to unlocking reliable, effective, and future-ready candidate assessment.

3 reasons to partner with Assess Candidates for candidate assessment excellence

  1. End-to-end Assessments: We offer technical, preference and behavioral competence assessments alongside game-based assessment and video interviews. This gives you the option of introducing games for candidate engagement, without sacrificing on the robustness hiring managers have come to expect from established psychometric pre-employment assessments. 
  1. End-to-End Consultation:  FWe work with you to understand which assessments fit your organization best. We then go to the role-level, ensuring the assessments you select will bring forward candidates that integrate well into your team.
  1. Best-in-class Experience: We’ve designed our system with recruiters and candidates in mind. Whether you opt for game-based assessments or not, a branded and clean user interface ensures candidates have a positive experience they associate with your company brand. 
Assess Candidates game based assessments platform

Example of client problem and Assess Candidates solution


A mid-size consulting firm recently introduced a set of Game-based Assessments in hope to improve candidate experience and gain recognition in the industry. However, it was found that the new games do not provide sufficient evaluation of more technical and core skills, leading in candidates who reach final rounds of recruitment without the necessary competencies. In particular, recruiters received extensive information about behavioral traits and candidate motivations, but missed opportunities to measure candidate numerical and verbal reasoning. 

Assess Candidates Solution:

Use a new process that incorporates both the games for candidate experience and motivations, but also incorporates numerical and verbal reasoning assessments to complement these. Additionally, the use of a video interview will hone in more on the competencies and technical skills required for the roles. A more holistic of the candidate is generated as a result, whilst not sacrificing on the engaging nature of the game assessments.

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6. FAQs and Glossary of Terms


  1. What are the different types of game-based assessments?
    • Game-based assessments encompass a diverse range of formats, including simulation games, gamified aptitude tests, situational judgment games, role-playing games, cognitive ability games, virtual reality assessments, gamified personality assessments, coding challenges, escape room-style assessments, job preview games, and mobile app-based assessments.
  1. Do game-based assessments truly work?
    • Real-world success stories demonstrate the effectiveness of game-based assessments. Examples include IBM’s Cognitive Ability Games, EY’s Leadership Simulation Games, and Zappos’ Interactive Culture Fit Game, showcasing improved candidate engagement, skill validation, and cultural fit evaluation.
  1. What are the main challenges, risks, and controversies of game-based assessments in recruitment?
    • Challenges include accessibility concerns, bias in game design, technical glitches, validity questions, resistance in traditional industries, limited applicability across sectors, and potential overemphasis on soft skills at the expense of technical proficiency.
  1. What conditions should be satisfied before introducing assessment games into your recruitment?
    • Before implementing game-based assessments, organizations should consider factors such as upfront investment and ROI, adaptation and continuous training, candidate feedback and acceptability, role matching and customization, information campaigns, cultural alignment, tool selection, and data security and privacy compliance.
  1. What is the cost-saving potential of implementing game-based assessments in recruitment?
    • Game-based assessments can lead to cost savings by streamlining the hiring process, reducing the time and resources spent on traditional methods. The upfront investment is outweighed by long-term gains in efficiency, improved candidate quality, and decreased turnover rates.
  1. How do game-based assessments impact employer branding?
    • Integrating game-based assessments positively influences employer branding by showcasing the organization as innovative, forward-thinking, and invested in candidate experience. Such a dynamic approach attracts top talent, improves industry visibility, and positions the company as a leader in modern recruitment practices.

Glossary of Terms

  • Gamified Aptitude Tests: Traditional aptitude tests transformed into gamified experiences, incorporating interactive elements, time-sensitive challenges, and engaging visuals.
  • Cognitive Abilities: Mental processes like reasoning, memory, and problem-solving, often assessed through game-based cognitive ability tests.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) Assessments: Immersive assessments using virtual environments to replicate job-related tasks and evaluate practical skills in a simulated 3D space.
  • Soft Skills: Non-technical skills such as communication, teamwork, and adaptability, often evaluated in game-based assessments for their importance in various job roles.
  • Candidate Engagement: The level of interest, enthusiasm, and commitment candidates exhibit throughout the assessment and recruitment process.
  • Inclusivity: Ensuring fair access and consideration for candidates from diverse backgrounds, addressing concerns of bias or discrimination.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): Assessing the value gained from the initial investment in game-based assessments, considering factors beyond monetary gains, such as improved candidate quality and reduced turnover.

Ready to start hiring? Write to us, or try for free and assess candidates in minutes.