Psychometric Tests

Numerical Reasoning Tests

Assess candidates’ ability to interpret and reason with numerical data in the form of tables, charts, and graphs.

  • First Feature20 questions
  • First Feature15 minutes
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Reasoning Tests

Assess candidates’ verbal comprehension and ability to reason with relevant information from written text.

  • First Feature24 questions
  • First Feature12 minutes
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Reasoning Tests

Assess candidates’ ability to think logically, solve problems, and identify underlying patterns in sequences.

  • First Feature14 questions
  • First Feature14 minutes
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Situational Judgement Tests

Assess candidates’ behavioral competencies and strengths in a number of key areas to predict their on-the-job performance.

  • First Feature18 questions
  • First Feature30 minutes
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Personality Questionnaire

Learn more about candidates’ personality traits and work-style preferences to predict whether they align with your role and organization.

  • First Feature90 questions
  • First Featureuntimed
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Reasoning Tests

Assess candidates’ ability to think critically and reason with relevant numerical and verbal information when considering arguments or propositions.

  • First Feature20-24 questions
  • First Feature12-15 minutes
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Checking Tests

Assess candidates’ attention to detail and accuracy when checking large amounts of written and numerical information quickly.

  • First Feature32-40 questions
  • First Feature2-3 minutes
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