The pre-employment assessment tests you need to identify soft skills in candidates

In modern recruitment, soft skills have taken the forefront as a driving force behind building effective teams and fostering organizational success. As we delve into recruitment for soft skills, we explore the significance of soft skills, identify the key soft skills for modern recruitment, and analyze the best strategies for assessing candidates’ soft skills with pre-employment assessment tests. For recruiters, this shift reflects a growing awareness of the critical role soft skills play in determining a candidate’s success within an organization. 

Recruiting for soft skills is a multifaceted endeavor that goes beyond traditional qualifications. By identifying key soft skills, recognizing their value, and implementing effective assessment tools, organizations can build more adaptable, resilient, and high-performing teams. Soft skills are the foundation upon which a stronger, more adaptable workforce is constructed, and mastering the art of recruiting for these skills is a pathway to organizational success.


  1. What are the most key soft skills in modern recruitment?
  2. What is the value of soft skills in finding top talent?
  3. How to use pre-employment assessment tests to measure soft skills in candidates?
  4. How Assess Candidates can help your company select soft skills
  5. FAQs and Glossary of Terms

1. What are the most key soft skills in modern recruitment?

In the pursuit of assembling high-performing teams and adaptable workforces, it is essential to recognize the soft skills that make a difference. Soft skills are qualities that empower individuals to communicate effectively, collaborate harmoniously, and navigate complex situations. 

Communication and problem solving skills are one of the most important soft skills
Communication and problem solving skills are one of the most important soft skills.

85% of career success comes from having well-developed soft skills and people skills. Hard skills, including technical skills and knowledge, only make up 15% of career success.

In the context of modern recruitment, several key soft skills stand out as integral.

What are the top 7 soft skills in modern work?

  1. Communication Skills: Effective verbal and written communication is the cornerstone of a collaborative and productive work environment. Candidates who can express themselves clearly, actively listen, and convey their ideas resonate positively in the hiring process.
  1. Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking: The ability to analyze, assess, and resolve challenges is a critical asset. Candidates with strong problem-solving and critical thinking skills can adapt to dynamic work environments and make sound decisions.

The top 3 soft skills in short supply are problem-solving 37%, critical thinking 32%, innovation, and creativity 31%.

  1. Adaptability: The pace of change in the professional landscape demands adaptability. Candidates who embrace change, learn quickly, and remain resilient in the face of adversity contribute to a more agile workforce.

30 to 40% of future jobs will depend on social-emotional skills.
Microsoft and McKinsey

  1. Creativity: Creative thinking inspires innovation and the generation of fresh ideas. Employees with creative minds introduce new perspectives and solutions, fueling organizational growth.
  1. Teamwork and Collaboration: The capacity to work effectively in a team is pivotal. Candidates who can collaborate, communicate within diverse groups, and maintain positive relationships enhance team dynamics.

89% of recruiters say that when a hire doesn’t work out, it usually comes down to a lack of soft skills.

  1. Leadership and Influence: Leadership extends beyond management roles. Individuals who can motivate, inspire, and influence others exhibit leadership qualities that are vital at various levels within an organization.
  1. Time Management: Efficient time management allows employees to optimize productivity. Candidates who excel in this soft skill exhibit a strong sense of organization and discipline.

93% of employers term soft skills as either “very important” or “essential.

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2. What is the value of soft skills in finding top talent? 

The value of soft skills in recruiting top talent cannot be overstated. While hard skills and qualifications might get a candidate through the door, it is their soft skills that enable them to thrive within an organization. Here’s a closer look at the profound impact of soft skills in talent management.

Soft skills are increasingly believed to be the most important skill for all professions
Soft skills are increasingly believed to be the most important skill for all professions.

Why are soft skills important in potential job candidates?

  • Enhancing Organizational Culture: Soft skills contribute to an organization’s culture and ethos. Candidates with strong interpersonal skills can foster a positive and collaborative workplace culture, promoting employee satisfaction and retention.
  • Improved Employee Engagement: Employees possessing effective soft skills are more engaged in their work. They can connect with colleagues, express their ideas, and participate actively in projects, contributing to higher job satisfaction.
  • Elevating Customer Experience: Soft skills are instrumental in delivering exceptional customer service. Candidates who can empathize, communicate clearly, and resolve issues effectively make a good impression within and outside of the organization.
  • Effective Leadership: Leadership is often reliant on soft skills. Leaders who can communicate, inspire, and influence their teams are pivotal to achieving organizational goals.

Only 51% of employees believed (or strongly agreed) that their company or organizations really understand the kind of soft skills they want.
Career Education Review

  • Adaptation to Change: In an ever-evolving business landscape, adaptability is a priceless asset. Candidates who embrace change can help organizations navigate uncertainties and challenges.

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3. How to use pre- employment assessment tests to measure soft skills in candidates?

We have seen how important soft skills are across industries. Now the next step is effectively assessing candidates’ soft skills in the recruitment process. By leveraging assessment tools and strategies, recruiters can make informed decisions about a candidate’s compatibility with the role and the organization. Here is a quick guide to the best assessment tools for recruiting soft skills.

5 ways to test your candidate’s soft skills:

  1. Behavioral Interviews: Behavioral interviews involve asking candidates about past experiences and how they handled specific situations. Recruiters assess the soft skills demonstrated in those situations, such as communication, adaptability, leadership, and teamwork. Candidates are asked to provide specific examples, allowing recruiters to gain insights into their abilities to respond to challenges effectively.

As many as 54% of the employees say they have not included soft skills in their CV.
Kelvin Murray & Co

  1. Psychometric Tests: Psychometric tests, such as personality assessments, delve into a candidate’s emotional intelligence, communication style, and work preferences. These insights help gauge their suitability for the role by assessing their interpersonal and behavioral skills. They are especially valuable for roles that involve client interactions, leadership, or remote team collaboration, enhancing the assessment of interpersonal skills.
  1. Situational Judgment Tests: Situational judgment tests present candidates with real-world scenarios to assess their decision-making and problem-solving skills. Recruiters use these tests to evaluate a candidate’s ability to handle practical challenges, make sound judgments, and resolve issues effectively. These tests are particularly effective for positions where candidates need to navigate diverse and dynamic work environments, such as project management or consulting.
  1. Reference Checks: Contacting references, such as former employers or colleagues, can provide valuable information on a candidate’s soft skills. References offer insights into a candidate’s communication, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities based on their real-world experiences working alongside the candidate. These references serve as external validation of the soft skills candidates claim to possess.

81% of companies find it challenging to hire talent with strong soft skills.

  1. Game-Based Assessments: Game-based assessments employ interactive challenges or simulations to evaluate candidates’ cognitive, behavioral, and problem-solving skills. These engaging assessments provide insights into candidates’ creative thinking, adaptability, and problem-solving abilities. Game-based assessments are ideal for creative roles, such as graphic design, video editing, or gamification, where candidates must showcase their practical skills in dynamic settings.

These pre-employment assessment methods collectively provide a comprehensive view of a candidate’s soft skills, helping recruiters make more informed decisions during the hiring process.

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4. How Assess Candidates can help your company select soft skills

At Assess Candidates, we understand the critical role that soft skills play in building effective teams and driving organizational success. We provide you with a range of innovative tools and strategies to make soft skills recruitment a seamless and effective process. Here are three examples of how we can assist your company in recruiting top talent with exceptional soft skills.

3 reasons to partner with Assess Candidates for soft skills hiring:

  1. Tailored Assessment Solutions: Our platform offers a suite of tailored assessment tools designed to evaluate soft skills comprehensively. From interactive game-based assessments that gauge problem-solving and adaptability to psychometric tests that assess interpersonal skills, we have the resources you need to identify candidates with the right soft skill set for your organization.
  1. Data-Driven Insights: We provide data-driven insights into candidates’ soft skills, allowing you to make informed decisions. Our platform offers detailed reports and analytics that highlight a candidate’s strengths and areas for development in key soft skill areas. This empowers your recruitment team to make precise assessments and select candidates who align with your company’s unique soft skill requirements.
  1. Efficient Integration: We understand the importance of seamless integration with your existing recruitment processes. Our platform can be easily integrated into your workflow, ensuring that you can incorporate soft skills assessments without disrupting your overall recruitment strategy. Whether you’re conducting behavioral interviews, psychometric tests, or game-based assessments, our platform seamlessly complements your existing recruitment practices.

At Assess Candidates, we are dedicated to helping your company uncover the hidden power of soft skills in your recruitment. Our user-friendly platform, coupled with our extensive library of assessment tools, ensures that you can confidently identify top talent with the soft skills your organization values most. Trust us to be your partner in building a stronger, more adaptable workforce driven by exceptional soft skills.

Soft Skills assessment platform for hiring

Example of how Assess Candidates help clients successfully recruit for soft skills

Client Problem

Despite attracting candidates with strong hard skills, a tech company is struggling to find individuals with essential soft skills. This deficit in soft skills, including effective communication, teamwork, and adaptability, is hindering their ability to foster a collaborative and innovative work environment. As a result, the company is experiencing issues with team cohesion, employee engagement, and customer satisfaction, all of which are critical for their continued success.

Assess Candidates Solution

We recommend a comprehensive approach to finding talent that combines hard and soft skills effectively. With our pre-employment situational judgment tests, recruiters can have greater confidence measuring such softer competence skills, receiving an output of which areas candidates perform well in, and which they need to improve, to make better hiring decisions.

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5. FAQs and Glossary of Terms


  1. What are the most key soft skills in modern recruitment?
    • In modern recruitment, key soft skills include communication, problem-solving, adaptability, creativity, teamwork, leadership, and time management. These qualities empower candidates to excel in today’s dynamic work environments.
  1. What is the value of soft skills in finding top talent?
    • Soft skills are invaluable in finding top talent. They enhance organizational culture, boost employee engagement, elevate the customer experience, facilitate effective leadership, and help candidates adapt to change, making them essential for organizational success.
  1. How to use assessment tools to test candidates’ soft skills?
    • Assessment tools are crucial for evaluating candidates’ soft skills. Behavioral interviews, aptitude tests, psychometric tests, situational judgment tests, reference checks, and game-based assessments all play a role in assessing a candidate’s soft skills and ensuring they are a good fit for the role and organization.
  1. Can soft skills be developed and improved over time?
    • Yes, soft skills can be developed and improved with practice and training. Candidates can enhance their soft skills through self-awareness, learning from experiences, and professional development programs.
  1. Are soft skills more important than hard skills in the recruitment process?
    • Both soft skills and hard skills have their significance in the recruitment process. While hard skills are necessary for job-specific tasks, soft skills are equally vital as they contribute to a candidate’s overall effectiveness in the workplace and their ability to work well with others.
  1. How can companies create a workplace environment that fosters the development of soft skills?
    • Companies can create a conducive environment for soft skills development by offering training programs, promoting open communication, encouraging teamwork, recognizing and rewarding employees who exhibit strong soft skills, and providing opportunities for employees to collaborate on diverse projects that require the application of soft skills.

Glossary of Terms

  • Soft Skills: Soft skills are intangible qualities and attributes that enable individuals to effectively communicate, collaborate, and navigate complex situations in the workplace. They include skills such as communication, adaptability, problem-solving, and leadership.
  • Hard Skills: Hard skills refer to specific, teachable, and measurable abilities or knowledge that are job-related and technical in nature. Examples of hard skills include computer programming, data analysis, or proficiency in a foreign language.
  • Assessment Tools: Assessment tools are instruments and methods used in the recruitment process to evaluate a candidate’s suitability for a job. These tools may include behavioral interviews, aptitude tests, psychometric tests, situational judgment tests, and game-based assessments.
  • Organizational Culture: Organizational culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, behaviors, and norms that shape the character and environment of a workplace. A positive organizational culture encourages collaboration, communication, and the development of soft skills among employees.

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