Hire best-fit top talent using a science-backed personality recruitment questionnaire. hire for free
Our Pre-employment Work-style Personality Questionnaire:
Our Work-style Personality Questionnaire for selection offers:
Get the most out of our Work-style Personality Questionnaire for hiring:
Shortlist best-fit candidates in 3 simple steps:
We understand that no one-personality-fits-all. Customize and upgrade scoring and reporting for our Work-style Personality Questionnaire:
We gladly offer the option to customize your reporting for the work-style personality questionnaire to fit your organization's personality framework and preferences. Please contact us to discuss further details and for us to understand the specific roles and your personal requirements.
Assess Candidates offers end-to-end assessments you may combine together depending on the recruited role. Our portal provides various pre-employment tests as well as game-based assessments and video interviews to paint well-rounded pictures of candidates. There is no limit to the number of different tests you can use in your campaign.
It is our priority to design tests free of bias. We use science and experience to create pre-employment work personality tests that objectively evaluate candidates' personality preferences. All our tests also include functionalities for candidates who need extra time, have visual disabilities, and/or suffer from color blindness.
Assess Candidates pre-hire personality test is a preference assessment with decades of research history and scientific validation, demonstrating its effectiveness. Our tests have undergone industry-standard design procedures and rigorous scientific reviews by former SHL and IBM Kenexa chartered psychometricians to ensure they accurately predict candidates’ personality preferences, traits, motivations, and work style.
Work-style personality tests are typically used during the early stages of the recruitment process to learn more about candidates before the interview or assessment center stage. Personality tests quickly and efficiently help you determine whether candidates have the desired cultural fit for your role and organization and aid you in shortlisting only those who are best-fit.
We have carefully designed our personality questionnaire with the candidate in mind to ensure they are straightforward to take. Assess candidates work-style personality questionnaire is not timed nor does it include trick statements but rather designed so candidates can focus on answering the statements honestly at their own pace to show their authentic personality traits.
Our off-the-shelf personality questionnaire is included in all Assess Candidates plans. Costs of bespoke personality reporting are based on initial assessment of the scope of work and requirements. Please get in touch with our team to discuss pricing.
The pre-employment work-style personality test dives deep into candidates' personality traits and work-style preferences to predict whether candidates would be a good fit for your role and organization. Candidates whose personality traits align better with the company culture and personality framework tend to be more energized and happier in their role. They also perform better and stay longer.
The Assess Candidates Support team is always here to help our clients. We offer technical support included in all our plans and a dedicated Client Relationship Manager for our ‘Unlimited Use 12-months’ and ‘Corporate’ plans.
You might also be interested in the following assessments:
Assess candidates’ ability to interpret and reason with numerical data in the form of tables, charts, and graphs.
Assess candidates’ verbal comprehension and ability to reason with relevant information from written text.
Assess candidates’ ability to think logically, solve problems, and identify underlying patterns in sequences.
Assess candidates’ behavioral competencies and strengths in a number of key areas to predict their on-the-job performance.
Ready to start hiring? Write to us, or try for free and assess candidates in minutes.