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Hire best-fit top talent using science-backed verbal recruitment tests. hire for free


Our Pre-employment Verbal Reasoning Tests:

  • Measure English literacy and vocabulary
  • Measure reasoning skills: comprehension and interpretation of relevant information from written text passages
  • Measure speed versus accuracy
  • Ability tests with a long history of research and validation; reliability of alpha > .70
  • Designed, developed and scientifically validated by former SHL and IBM Kenexa Chartered Psychologists, Scientists and Psychometricians
  • Benchmarked scores based on large control groups for standardized and valid comparisons
  • Inclusive, fair, without bias
  • Include adjustments for disabilities
  • Include anti-cheating measures
  • User-friendly interface and easy to navigate
  • Fully compliant with current industry practices


Our Verbal Reasoning Tests for selection offer:

1Fast and Cost-effective Hiring Process

  • Automated verbal assessments streamline your recruitment process
    • save time by adding tests and inviting thousands of candidates in minutes
    • immediately access candidate results in one click
    • quickly and efficiently set threshold criteria to select best-fit candidates with the required verbal reasoning skills
    • reduce your workload with an easy-to-navigate software automating administrative tasks and decreasing time-to-hire
  • Our most popular package, which includes ALL tests, offers a relatively low cost per candidate

2High-Quality Hires

  • Our scientifically-proven verbal reasoning tests predict how candidates will communicate with people and reason with written information in the workplace
  • Assess candidates’ verbal comprehension directly against the role in your industry
  • Candidates scoring higher in our verbal hiring tests have better reasoning abilities
  • Our thoroughly-researched verbal tests help selecting high-performers who stay longer

3Reduction of conscious and unconscious bias

  • Set flexible cut-offs to give all candidates an equal opportunity
  • Data-driven: select candidates based on objective verbal reasoning skills, not biases such as:
    • gender
    • ethnicity
    • race
    • sexual orientation
    • background
    • education
  • Our scientifically-tested assessments ensure compliance of your company’s recruitment process and are legally defensible
  • Ensure a more diverse and inclusive workforce

Verbal Tests Use Cases

Most suitable for:

  • Early-stage screening and initial evaluation, routine selection, and pre-interview shortlisting
  • High-volume recruitment and testing
  • Proactive hiring: creation of talent pools of pre-screened candidates

Target audience:

  • Early Careers (Graduates, Interns, Apprentices)
  • Professionals (Specialists, Managers)


  • Relevant for all sectors
  • In particular: Consulting, Retail, Marketing, Sales, Journalism and Media, Teaching, Law, Civil Service


  • Relevant for most roles, especially those involving written and verbal communication
  • Example roles: Consultant, Marketing Manager, Sales Associate, Customer Service Representative, Teacher, Journalist, Trainee Solicitor

Tips when using
Pre-Hire Verbal Tests

Get the most out of our Verbal Reasoning Tests for hiring:

  • At later stages of recruitment, accompany verbal tests with other candidate selection tools, such as:
  • Research shows using multiple assessment methods increases the validity of results significantly
  • This ensures fully-informed, objective hiring decisions

Shortlist best-fit candidates in 3 simple steps:

First Feature


Set up your assessment campaign in 4 fast and seamless steps.
First Feature

2 Assess candidates

Invite candidates to take tests on our accessible, easy-to-use platform.
First Feature

3 Select Candidates

Filter rank-ordered candidates fast to select your top talent.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I customize Assess Candidates verbal reasoning pre-employment tests for the role and my organization?

We gladly offer the option to customize our verbal reasoning assessments on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us to discuss further details and for us to understand the specific roles and focus areas.

How should I combine Assess Candidates pre-employment verbal assessments with other hiring tools?

Assess Candidates offers end-to-end assessments you may combine together depending on the recruited role. Our portal provides various pre-employment tests as well as game-based assessments and video interviews to paint well-rounded pictures of candidates. There is no limit to the number of different tests you can use in your campaign.

How do Assess Candidates ensure objectivity of pre-employment verbal reasoning tests?

It is our priority to design tests free of bias. We use science and experience to create pre-employment verbal reasoning tests that objectively assess candidates' verbal comprehension and communication skills. All our tests also include functionalities for candidates who need extra time, have visual disabilities, and/or suffer from color blindness.

How effective are Assess Candidates pre-employment verbal tests in hiring?

Assess Candidates pre-hire verbal reasoning tests are ability tests with decades of research history and scientific validation, demonstrating their effectiveness. Our tests have undergone industry-standard design procedures and rigorous scientific reviews by former SHL and IBM Kenexa chartered psychometricians to ensure they accurately predict candidates’ verbal reasoning and communication skills in the workplace.

Where in my recruitment process should I use verbal reasoning tests?

Verbal reasoning tests are typically used during the early stages of the recruitment process in order to sift or screen candidates before the interview or assessment center stage. Verbal tests quickly and efficiently help you evaluate whether candidates have the necessary verbal comprehension for your role and help you shortlist only the most qualified to invite to the next stage of recruitment. They are particularly beneficial for graduate scheme recruitment to screen high volumes of applicants.

How difficult are Assess candidates pre-hire verbal reasoning tests?

Verbal reasoning tests require a good level of English, however, they are not English language exams. The tests are timed, therefore the main difficulty for candidates is to balance time spent reasoning accurately with the text passage, and answering as many questions as possible within the time limit. The questions focus on comprehension and interpretation of written information and the application of logic to reach a conclusion.

How much do Assess Candidates verbal reasoning pre-employment tests cost?

All six standard verbal reasoning assessments are included in all Assess Candidates plans. Costs of bespoke tests are based on initial assessment of the scope of work and requirements. Please get in touch with our team to discuss pricing.

What do pre-employment verbal reasoning tests measure?

Pre-employment verbal tests measure candidates' verbal reasoning skills, how they identify, comprehend and interpret relevant information from written text. Candidates who score highly tend to communicate well both verbally and in writing in the workplace. They also perform better and stay longer.

What support does Assess Candidates offer in candidate assessment?

The Assess Candidates Support team is always here to help our clients. We offer technical support included in all our plans and a dedicated Client Relationship Manager for our ‘Unlimited Use 12-months’ and ‘Corporate’ plans.

More Assessments

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Personality Questionnaire

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Ready to start hiring? Write to us, or try for free and assess candidates in minutes.