Pre-Employment Verbal Reasoning Tests For Hiring | 2024/25 GUIDE FOR RECRUITERS

Verbal reasoning tests are among the most widely implemented pre-employment recruitment tools, used by organizations to identify top talent and select candidates with the necessary skills for the job. 

As recruiters, hiring managers, and talent acquisition specialists, you likely understand the importance of a strategically designed recruitment process that incorporates various candidate assessment methods to help quickly and cost-effectively hire the right candidates. These methods may include online psychometric tests, game-based assessments, video interviews, and assessment centers. Such tools create a recruitment funnel that facilitates efficient candidate sifting and selection at every hiring stage.

In this article, we delve into one pre-employment assessment in-depth: the verbal reasoning test. We look at what verbal reasoning tests are, what they measure, their benefits and limitations, and how they fit into the recruitment funnel. You will discover why so many employers are including verbal reasoning tests in their hiring processes and how you can implement them too in your organization.

Verbal reasoning tests are an effective method for evaluating candidates’ cognitive skills, enabling recruiters to save time and resources when filtering out those who lack the necessary abilities for the role. Verbal reasoning testing is invaluable for businesses aiming to make better-informed hiring decisions and build more skilled teams.

Whether you’re a hiring manager or HR professional, if you have questions such as: 

  • Why should I use verbal reasoning tests in my hiring process?
  • When should I give candidates a verbal reasoning test?
  • Why is verbal reasoning important in the workplace?
  • What roles use verbal reasoning tests for hiring?
  • How do I use verbal reasoning tests to build diverse teams?

Continue reading to discover how a verbal reasoning assessment can help you hire top, best-fit talent.


  1. What is a verbal reasoning test?  
  2. What do pre-employment verbal reasoning tests measure?
  3. How do verbal reasoning tests work as recruitment tests?
  4. Why do employers use verbal reasoning tests for recruitment?
  5. At what stage are verbal reasoning tests used in the hiring process?
  6. Best practices for incorporating verbal reasoning tests into your recruitment strategy
  7. When to give candidates a verbal reasoning test?
  8. What employers use verbal reasoning tests for hiring?
  9. Why top companies choose Assess Candidates verbal reasoning tests to hire   
  10. Verbal reasoning tests: client application story

1. What is a verbal reasoning test?

A verbal reasoning test, or verbal reasoning aptitude test as it is also called, is a type of pre-employment aptitude test. Whereas other pre-employment aptitude tests measure cognitive abilities such as numeracy or problem-solving, a verbal reasoning test focuses on a candidate’s ability to comprehend, analyze, and interpret written information, i.e. words and sentences

What is Verbal Reasoning Test?

Verbal reasoning aptitude tests are widely used in recruitment and can be administered either online or as an exercise during the assessment center process, depending on organizational requirements. They are typically timed and require candidates to draw conclusions and arguments from passages of written text, followed by statements that they must classify as “true”, “false” or “cannot say”.

For recruiters and hiring managers, verbal reasoning tests can form a fundamental part of the candidate selection process. Verbal tests provide employers with the opportunity to assess candidates’ skills and then select top talent with the required verbal abilities. This is particularly useful for roles that heavily involve verbal comprehension and written and oral communication, such as sales, consulting, legal, and customer-facing roles

Although good language skills are expected as a prerequisite, it is important to note that the online verbal reasoning test is not a language exam nor is it designed to assess candidates’ knowledge of the given language.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into these assessments in more detail, exploring the specific verbal reasoning skills they measure, the format of verbal reasoning questions, and how employers are implementing these tests in their recruitment strategies.

Enhance your pre-employment assessment process with our scientifically-validated verbal reasoning tests. HIRE FOR FREE

Assess Candidates Verbal Reasoning Tests

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2. What do pre-employment verbal reasoning tests measure?

Verbal reasoning tests are rooted in the principles of psychometrics, a scientific discipline that has been used in hiring and testing for decades to objectively measure psychological capabilities in candidates, such as work-related cognitive abilities, personality, and behavior.

Within psychometric assessments, verbal reasoning tests fall into the category of cognitive ability tests and are often referred to as verbal ability tests. This means they measure candidates’ cognitive abilities in verbal reasoning

What is verbal reasoning?

In simple terms, verbal reasoning refers to the ability to process and reason with written information. Verbal reasoning skills, therefore, involve far more than just language proficiency; they encompass verbal comprehension and analysis, identifying relevant information, and critical thinking to form logical conclusions and coherent arguments

 What is Verbal Reasoning?

Verbal reasoning skills are evaluated through a verbal test, in which candidates are presented with passages of text, often related to the workplace or various other topics.

What specific verbal reasoning skills are measured in a verbal reasoning test?

To expand in more detail, a verbal reasoning test measures candidates’ verbal reasoning skills in: 

  1. Verbal comprehension: The verbal reasoning test assesses candidates’ verbal comprehension of the concepts in the text passages and their ability to pick out the key information. Within a limited timeframe, candidates are required to read and interpret written material and answer the verbal reasoning questions correctly, demonstrating a thorough understanding of the passage.
  1. Reasoning: The verbal reasoning assessment also evaluates the reasoning abilities and critical thinking of candidates. The test measures how accurately candidates can reason with written concepts and information, look at it from multiple perspectives, and separate facts from opinion to decide whether the statements are true, false, or cannot say. This helps assess candidates’ analytical skills through the use of language.
  1. Logic: The verbal reasoning test further examines candidates’ ability to identify logical statements within the text and make inferences in order to reach accurate conclusions. It assesses whether candidates can logically process information or if they tend to jump to conclusions without logic. 
  1. Vocabulary and grammar: The verbal reasoning test also offers insight into candidates’ literacy, reflecting how they might express their thoughts and ideas in the workplace. An employee with solid knowledge of vocabulary and grammar is likely to have strong communication skills.

It is important to note that verbal reasoning tests do not assess candidates’ prior knowledge of the business or a certain topic. Instead, they focus on how well candidates comprehend and reason with the given information, independent of any preconceived knowledge or notions. 

Measuring verbal reasoning skills, therefore, is a reliable indicator of how individuals might inherently write, communicate, and express themselves professionally in the workplace. Verbal tests aid recruiters in predicting candidates’ on-the-job performance, better than a CV or cover letter. For instance, candidates who score well on the verbal reasoning assessments have strong verbal reasoning skills and in the workplace are more likely to be able to: 

  • Effectively communicate with colleagues, senior staff, and customers across various academic and professional domains
  • Write professionally in presentations, projects, and emails
  • Read, comprehend, and gain insights from reports, documents, and statements 
  • Follow instructions precisely
  • Think critically and creatively
  • Express their thoughts and ideas with clarity
  • Draw logical conclusions and solve problems using language and facts

Why are verbal reasoning skills important?

Verbal reasoning skills are highly valued in the modern workplace. In any work environment, strong verbal ability is essential for employees to help organizations function, enhance performance, and grow cohesively. As the number of remote roles increases globally, organizations are also placing even greater emphasis on effective written and verbal communication skills.

Verbal reasoning empowers employees to gain valuable insights, listen and communicate effectively with colleagues, managers, and clients, collaborate on solutions, and make informed business decisions. Candidates with excellent verbal reasoning skills excel in the workplace because they can clearly express their thoughts and ideas, ensuring others easily understand them. This is particularly important for customer-facing roles. In contrast, a lack of strong verbal reasoning skills within teams and organizations can lead to miscommunication, misunderstandings, difficult collaboration, poor decision-making, and inaccuracies. 

Many companies overlook assessing verbal reasoning skills during their hiring processes. Instead, they depend on CVs to gauge candidates’ verbal comprehension and communication skills, a method proven to be an inadequate predictor of cognitive abilities. The significance of testing candidates for verbal reasoning skills through a pre-employment verbal reasoning test cannot be overstated. These tests are scientifically-validated and offer a reliable method of assessing candidates’ verbal reasoning abilities whilst sifting and filtering out those who don’t meet the minimum requirements. 

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3. How do verbal reasoning tests work as recruitment tests?

Verbal reasoning tests are usually timed and involve 10-20 multiple-choice questions administered through an online assessment platform. As the test progresses, the verbal questions may transition from basic verbal comprehension to more advanced reasoning, whilst adhering to a strict time limit. Candidates, therefore, have to find a balance between speed and accuracy, effectively managing the time pressure to complete the test and answer all questions as accurately as possible. 

Verbal tests are designed to be straightforward, but also to push candidates to work accurately under timed and pressured conditions to emulate the demands of the workplace.

Candidates will be presented with written information in the form of passages of text and be asked to quickly read the passages and answer the verbal reasoning questions based on what they have read. 

But what are verbal reasoning questions?

While there are several different verbal reasoning question types used by employers, the most common question involves asking candidates to determine the truthfulness of certain statements regarding the given text, answering true, false, or cannot say based solely on the provided information. These statements can be direct or inferential in nature, requiring candidates to logically deduce the answer rather than simply locating it in the passage.

Recruitment test providers such as SHL, Kenexa, Cubiks, and Assess Candidates use this style of questioning for their verbal reasoning tests.

Candidates may find the length of the passages, the use of complex language, and time constraints challenging. Therefore, it is crucial, as hiring managers and recruiters, that you encourage candidates to prepare and practice for these verbal tests. By familiarizing themselves with comprehension and reasoning exercises that match the same format and difficulty level of real verbal reasoning tests, candidates can reduce their stress and anxiety to better showcase their true abilities.

Now let’s get a feel for the test and look at a verbal question example below:

Verbal Question Example for Verbal Reasoning Test

This verbal test example is from Assess Candidates off-the-shelf verbal reasoning tests. These assessments can also be customized to fit the unique demands of any particular role, enabling employers and recruiters to evaluate candidates’ verbal reasoning skills within the scope of the job requirements. Explore more verbal reasoning questions and examples or get in touch with our experts to enquire about customization.

In the following section, we will delve into the numerous benefits of incorporating verbal reasoning tests into your recruitment process.

 Discover our verbal reasoning tests designed to identify top talent with strong verbal reasoning skills.  LEARN MORE

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4. Why do employers use verbal reasoning tests for recruitment?

Verbal reasoning tests are widely used by employers for pre-employment skill testing and candidate selection. These assessments provide objective insights which help recruiters identify candidates with the desired verbal reasoning skills for the role and decide who should advance to the interview stage. Moreover, they assist in efficiently reducing large applicant pools, making them particularly beneficial for graduate employers

In this section, we will dive into how verbal reasoning testing tools are improving the hiring process and, subsequently, why employers are using these assessments for their recruitment. 

Benefits of Verbal Reasoning Tests for Recruitment

What are the benefits of using verbal reasoning tests for recruitment?

  1. Saving Time and Money

Finding and hiring qualified candidates is often a long, costly, and complex process. Administering automated online verbal reasoning tests at scale helps to streamline and shorten the hiring cycle. Instead of manually sifting through hundreds of applications and resumes, online verbal reasoning tests efficiently screen thousands of candidates in minutes based on their skills, providing immediate results with a single click. This allows hiring managers and recruiters to eliminate unqualified candidates early on and focus on only the most qualified, saving valuable time

Additionally, verbal tests help reduce the high costs associated with high-volume recruitment. Administered online and typically priced per test or using a flat fee, verbal reasoning assessments offer a low cost per candidate, making them an efficient and cost-effective selection tool before conducting more expensive methods such as in-person interviews or assessment centers. 

Are you aware? Utilizing pre-employment aptitude tests, such as the verbal reasoning aptitude test, for initial screening can narrow down a large candidate pool by half. This is especially advantageous for graduate programme recruitment, enabling employers to effectively sift through a large group of seemingly equally qualified candidates. 

  1. Improving the Quality of Hire

When implemented correctly, a verbal reasoning test can significantly enhance the quality of hires. Verbal reasoning tests are scientifically proven to accurately predict candidates’ job performance in interpreting and analyzing written information. In fact, they are more reliable predictors of job performance than CVs. Verbal reasoning tests help gauge a candidate’s potential success in the role and ensure that employers select new hires who will be satisfied, perform better, and stay longer within the organization.

Verbal reasoning tests are powerful indicators of job performance. Their predictive validity increases further when combined with other cognitive ability tests, such as numerical and logical reasoning assessments. Hiring decisions on whether to advance a candidate to the next assessment stage are therefore based on comprehensive combined results which show candidates’ skill sets and on-the-job performance potential.

  1. Identifying Candidates with Strong Communication Skills

Verbal reasoning tests are particularly useful when hiring for customer-facing roles that demand strong professional communication skills for daily interactions with customers. These assessments help employers identify the top-performing candidates who can comprehend information, communicate effectively, and think critically. This ensures employers can be confident in their ability to do the job successfully. These individuals are also likely to contribute positively to company work culture and build beneficial working relationships with colleagues.

  1. Producing Reliable Data-driven Results

Verbal reasoning tests are invaluable for organizations prioritizing data-driven decisions and eliminating guesswork in the hiring process. These tests offer quantifiable and comparative data on candidates’ verbal reasoning skills to help employers effectively compare applicants and identify top performers to advance to the next assessment stage. This approach helps avoid the costly mistake of a bad hire.

  1. Reducing Bias

Verbal reasoning tests are designed to mitigate both conscious and unconscious biases in the recruitment process. By evaluating candidates solely on the basis of their verbal reasoning skills and potential job performance rather than preconceived biases related to background, education, gender, ethnicity, or race, these tests ensure that results are objective.

Candidates from underprivileged backgrounds may find it challenging to showcase their authentic abilities in an interview setting, whereas an objective verbal test provides them this opportunity. This fosters a fair, inclusive, and objective hiring process that aligns with company policies and is legally defensible.

  1. Improving Diversity and Inclusion

Online verbal reasoning tests enable employers to make their application process accessible to a broader pool of candidates who may be unable to travel for in-person interviews. Hiring managers and recruiters can also adjust the assessment’s cut-off scores to diversify the talent pool and address specific traits and knowledge gaps within their current team. This approach creates a more diverse and inclusive workforce

  1. Ensuring a User-friendly Candidate Experience

From a candidate’s perspective, the verbal reasoning testing tools are easily accessible, user-friendly, and can be conveniently taken at home at any time, ensuring a positive candidate experience. The verbal reasoning questions are designed to be clear and do not assess candidates’ knowledge of specific languages nor topics.

Incorporating an online verbal reasoning test into your hiring process empowers you to confidently shortlist candidates with the essential verbal reasoning skills required for the role. This leads to a more successful and productive workforce that not only performs better but also has higher retention rates

Harness the benefits of including a verbal reasoning test in your recruitment strategy.  HIRE FOR FREE

However, as with any assessment methodology, it is important to take in some considerations before making an informed decision for your hiring process. 

4 things to consider before using a verbal reasoning test for hiring

  1. Test Anxiety: Completing a verbal reasoning aptitude test, similar to any assessment, can cause candidates stress and anxiety and inhibit performance.

Solution: Encourage your candidates to practice a verbal reasoning test before taking the actual test. This helps them become familiar with examples of verbal questions and their format, putting them at ease and allowing them to showcase their true abilities under typical working conditions.

  1. Poor Predictive Validity: A verbal test does not provide a comprehensive view of a candidate and their complete set of cognitive skills. Excelling in a verbal test does not necessarily mean candidates will perform well in real-world scenarios.

Solution: Combine a verbal reasoning test with other selection methods, such as logical and numerical reasoning tests, situational judgement tests, structured job interviews, and assessment centers. This integrated approach offers a comprehensive understanding of candidates’ technical skills, competencies, and personality traits, greatly enhancing the predictive validity of results.

  1. Language Barrier: Non-native speakers may find the verbal reasoning test challenging if the language is not their primary language. 

Solution: Set low and flexible cut-off scores to ensure that candidates are not disadvantaged due to their language proficiency. The verbal reasoning assessment should focus less on candidates’ understanding and knowledge of the language and more on their ability to reason with the written information to draw conclusions.

  1. Cheating: It is technically possible that candidates can cheat on an online verbal reasoning test or it could be completed by someone else. 

Solution: When exploring solutions on the market, consider revising the cheating prevention measures offered by assessment test providers. Many third-party assessment providers, like Assess Candidates, incorporate cheat detection technology and mechanisms into their candidate assessment platforms.

Now that we have a better understanding of the benefits and potential drawbacks of using verbal reasoning assessments as recruitment tests, we will now explore their practical applications, discussing where and when verbal reasoning tests should be integrated into the hiring process.

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5. At what stage are verbal reasoning tests used in the hiring process?

Verbal reasoning tests can be utilized at various stages in the pre-employment hiring process, depending on the type and seniority of the role. However, they prove most effective during the initial stages of sifting and screening, offering a quick and efficient means of shortlisting candidates. For optimal results, we also suggest combining a verbal reasoning test with other pre-employment aptitude assessments at this early stage, such as a numerical and/or logical reasoning test.

Imagine you are hiring to fill a new role and have already received 500 job applications. By initially inviting all applicants to complete an online verbal reasoning test, you can quickly and accurately evaluate candidates’ verbal reasoning and discount those who don’t meet the requirements before moving onto next assessment stages. These may involve a situational judgment test, personality test, in-person or video interview, or assessment center.

Candidates are sent a link to the talent assessment platform and have a specific timeframe (often several days) to complete the verbal reasoning assessment. Recruiters subsequently review candidate results using an online reporting dashboard and choose the top candidates to shortlist for the next round of recruitment tests.

Below is a detailed explanation of the purpose and role of verbal reasoning tests at different assessment stages during the hiring process:

Stage of hiring processPurpose of verbal reasoning testBenefits
Early-stage screeningTo sift candidates– Saves time and resources by quickly identifying candidates who don’t meet the minimum threshold for verbal reasoning skills
– Reduces unconscious bias in the screening process
Initial evaluationTo assess verbal reasoning skills– Provides a more accurate, objective, and detailed evaluation of candidates 
– Often used in low-volume recruitment
Interview processTo assess communication skills– Provides a well-rounded view of candidates’ verbal reasoning skills, communication skills, and professionalism
– Reduces bias and subjectivity
OnboardingTo tailor the onboarding process based on candidate results– Provides precise insights into a candidate’s verbal reasoning skills, enabling you to customize training sessions accordingly
– Proactively addresses new employees’ areas for improvement
How Verbal Reasoning Tests are Used in the Hiring Process

Integrating verbal reasoning assessments at various stages of the hiring process can help organizations streamline their operations, reduce biases, enhance candidate satisfaction, and customize onboarding and training to each new employee’s needs. Use a verbal reasoning test at the assessment stage that works for you!

Verbal reasoning tests also assist employers in identifying areas where they should invest in for the learning and development of new hires and current employees. By administering a verbal test as a diagnostic tool, employers can reveal strengths in verbal reasoning as well as knowledge gaps and areas for improvement. Whether it’s to improve writing reports and presentations professionally, effective communication and teamwork or solving complex problems, these insights are invaluable for designing and implementing a targeted system for the professional development and upskilling of new hires and employees.

Next, we’ll outline the best practices step-by-step for including a verbal reasoning test in your hiring process. Are you ready to continue reading?

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6. Best practices for incorporating verbal reasoning tests into your recruitment strategy

When incorporating a verbal reasoning test into your hiring process, it is important to follow several best practices to achieve optimal results. Below, we have outlined three simple steps to aid you in effectively shortlisting and selecting the right candidates first time.

1. Create your verbal reasoning assessment campaign

  • Decide in advance whether to invite candidates to take a standalone verbal reasoning test or integrate it with other pre-employment assessments. We recommend combining the verbal test with a numerical reasoning, logical reasoning, situational judgement, and/or personality test to improve predictive accuracy and gain comprehensive insight into candidates’ cognitive abilities, behaviors, and traits. Employing multiple assessments also reduces the influence of bias in the hiring process.
  • Set definitive cut-off scores for your verbal reasoning test before launching your recruitment campaign. Determine these based on industry standards, the particular demands of the role, and the strength of verbal reasoning skills required for success.
  • Establish a strict deadline for candidates to complete the verbal reasoning test and ensure uniform time limits for all applicants. This standardization guarantees that candidates are assessed under equitable conditions, promoting fairness and objectivity in the hiring process.
Create a Verbal Reasoning Test Recruitment Campaign

2. Invite candidates to your verbal reasoning assessment

  • Invite candidates in a single click to complete your verbal reasoning test by individual email, CSV file upload or public link. 
Invite Candidates to your Verbal  Reasoning Assessment

3. Analyze candidate results and shortlist candidates

  • Track candidates’ real-time progress during their verbal reasoning test. Access comprehensive results and detailed reports instantaneously after test completion. 
  • Utilize advanced tools to rank, filter, and sort candidates based on various criteria, including performance score, number of assessments completed, hiring status, and more. This feature enables you to quickly and easily identify and select top talent for your role and organization.
Shortlist your Top Performing Candidates for Verbal Reasoning

By following this organized selection process and by adopting these best practices, you can confidently make informed hiring decisions. Check out our verbal reasoning tests and how they can help you identify candidates with the desired level of verbal reasoning skills for success in your role and organization. 

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7. When to give candidates a verbal reasoning test?

Verbal reasoning tests are among the most commonly used pre-employment tests for candidate selection. Their adaptable nature makes them suitable for a wide range of roles, from apprenticeships and graduate schemes to experienced managerial positions and senior hires

In this section, we delve into the application of verbal reasoning tests across various types of recruitment, identify the roles that benefit most from these recruitment tests, and provide examples of employers who successfully use verbal reasoning tests in their hiring process.

2 examples when employers should use verbal reasoning tests for recruitment

  1. High-volume recruitment: Managing recruitment for popular roles that attract hundreds or thousands of applications and CVs is a challenging task. Verbal tests provide a quick and efficient method for hiring managers to screen and sift through these large applicant volumes, helping to identify top best-fit talent for their organizations.

Verbal reasoning tests are particularly popular as high-volume recruitment tests for organizations conducting graduate schemes as they need to find and hire multiple graduates within a relatively short time period whilst ensuring the process is legally defensible.

  1. Medium-volume recruitment: For smaller businesses in sectors like consulting, law, or retail, verbal reasoning tests can be invaluable when hiring and assessing candidates. With a moderate number of applicants, the purpose of the verbal test shifts from sifting through large volumes to thoroughly evaluating and verifying the specific skill levels required for each candidate.

Which industries and roles should use verbal reasoning tests to recruit and why?

In short, the answer is…most! Many roles across various industries require employees to understand and interpret written and verbal information, such as emails, reports, and presentations. However, certain industries and roles particularly demand strong verbal reasoning skills for effective communication with colleagues, superiors, and clients, as well as for critically drawing conclusions from data insights. In these industries, incorporating a verbal reasoning test into the hiring assessment process is crucial. 

Industries that use verbal reasoning tests for recruitment include: 

  • Consulting: verbal tests are widely used for entry-level jobs, graduate schemes, internships, and senior roles within the consulting industry as verbal reasoning is a sought-after skill. Employers that utilize verbal reasoning tests in their hiring processes include the Big Four (Deloitte, PwC, EY, KPMG) as well as other consultancy firms such as Accenture
  • Law: the legal profession requires handling extensive written information under high-pressure conditions. Verbal reasoning tests are therefore commonly used in the recruitment process by top law firms such as Freshfields, DLA Piper, Allen & Overy, Dentons, and Baker & Mckenzie
  • Journalism: verbal tests are integral in journalism for ensuring candidates can interpret sources accurately, construct sound arguments, and communicate effectively. Major media outlets like the BBC, The New York Times, Reuters, and The Guardian use these assessments to select candidates who excel in these demanding roles.
  • Engineering: Verbal reasoning tests are prevalent in engineering recruitment. Engineers rely on verbal reasoning skills to read technical documents, understand project specifications, collaborate with teams, and articulate complex solutions to stakeholders. Leading engineering firms such as Siemens, Airbus, General Electric, Rolls-Royce, and Lockheed Martin use verbal reasoning tests. 
  • Public Sector: verbal reasoning tests in the public sector are crucial for evaluating candidates’ abilities to understand policy documents and work with diverse stakeholders. These tests are implemented by organizations like the UK’s Civil Service and NHS as well as large charities and local government agencies
  • Finance: financial professionals use verbal reasoning skills to analyze financial documents and communicate complex information clearly to clients. Employers such as HSBC, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and JP Morgan incorporate a verbal reasoning test into their hiring processes.
  • Marketing: marketing agencies and marketing departments of larger organizations’, such as Unilever, P&G, and Google also use a verbal reasoning assessment to hire new employees. Strong verbal reasoning skills are essential in marketing for analyzing market trends and designing marketing campaigns and strategies. 

Broadly speaking, the industries mentioned above have been effectively using verbal reasoning tests for years to select and recruit top candidates. Neglecting to assess candidates’ verbal reasoning skills during your hiring process can result in decreased team performance and overall company success. Therefore, prioritizing verbal tests in your recruitment strategy is crucial.

Roles that use verbal reasoning tests for hiring include: 

  • Accountant
  • Business Analyst
  • Account Manager
  • Customer Service Representative 
  • Journalist
  • Content Writer
  • Solicitor
  • Consultant
  • Public Servant
  • Data Analyst
  • Engineer
  • Marketing Executive
Roles that use verbal reasoning tests for hiring

For roles that don’t require high levels of verbal reasoning skills, simpler literacy tests are still often used by employers to outline candidates’ spelling and grammar, attention to detail, and ability to check written information accurately.

If you are an employer that is unsure if using a verbal reasoning test is the right choice for you and your organization, learn more here or contact us for a free analysis for your recruitment needs. 

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8. What employers use verbal reasoning tests for hiring?

Verbal reasoning tests have been a staple in the recruitment processes of large global companies for decades. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and startups are also increasingly adopting these assessments to improve their recruitment processes and make more informed objective hiring decisions. Here are some of the top companies utilizing verbal reasoning testing tools:

  • Deloitte
  • PwC
  • EY
  • KPMG
  • HSBC
  • Accenture
  • Unilever
  • Goldman Sachs
  • Morgan Stanley
  • Google
  • Amazon
  • Barclays
  • BP
  • Shell
  • Siemens
  • Nestlé
  • Freshfields
  • British Airways
  • Tesco
  • Procter & Gamble

Are verbal reasoning tests suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)?

Many SMEs have historically disregarded verbal reasoning tests due to the demanding infrastructure requirements. While larger organizations often have the technology and budget to implement candidate testing software in-house, smaller organizations do not. This challenge has been overcome in recent years with the advent of specialized third-party SaaS (software-as-a-software) solutions for talent acquisition.

Nowadays, businesses of all sizes are purchasing online pre-employment testing tools, such as verbal reasoning tests, from third-party providers like Assess Candidates. These candidate selection tests and tools are cost-effective, typically less expensive to administer than traditional interviews, and require no infrastructure setup from the employer. These modern recruitment tests are also quick and easy to launch as part of recruitment campaigns, and are fully automated and cloud-based. 

Concerns about the cost of integrating an online verbal reasoning test into your recruitment strategy are common, but modern cost models are flexible and offer efficient solutions for any recruitment type or volume. The cost of a bad hire or the inability to broaden and diversify the talent pool is significantly higher than the cost of these recruitment tests. 

The availability of affordable candidate testing software and the ease of integrating a verbal reasoning assessment into your existing recruitment campaign mean that smaller businesses can now benefit from modern verbal reasoning tests previously limited to larger organizations with bigger budgets.

Unless you or your organization are experts in candidate selection and pre-employment assessment processes, we recommend considering a talent assessment software provider like Assess Candidates that can help assess your candidates’ verbal reasoning skills effectively.

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9. Why top companies choose Assess Candidates verbal reasoning tests to hire

At Assess Candidates, we specialize in a range of pre-employment aptitude tests, including verbal reasoning tests, and can design recruitment campaigns tailored to the specific hiring needs of any organization.

Here is an example of our campaign reporting dashboard available on Assess Candidates. This user-friendly tool is accessible to hiring managers and talent acquisition professionals, offering valuable insights and advanced sorting functions to streamline candidate selection.

Verbal reasoning test campaign dashboard for recruiters

Here are the top 4 reasons why you should use Assess Candidates’ verbal reasoning assessments for your online pre-employment skill testing:

  1. Design Scientifically Validated by Expert Psychologists: Assess Candidates’ verbal reasoning tests are developed by Chartered Scientists, Psychologists, and Psychometricians with decades of experience designing assessment solutions for companies like SHL and IBM Kenexa. Our verbal reasoning tests have undergone rigorous testing and validation to accurately measure candidates’ verbal reasoning skills. These tests have consistently proven successful in selecting and hiring high-performing talent across various organizations and industries. 
  1. Expert Reporting: Assess Candidates’ user-friendly and easy-to-navigate assessment platform enables employers to analyze candidate reports in detail and make informed hiring decisions based on flexible criteria. Recruiters can easily view individual candidates’ performance on the verbal reasoning test, then filter, rank, and shortlist candidates. Additionally, our talent assessment platform also offers the option to integrate with your existing ATS for a seamless experience. 
  1. Positive Candidate Experience: Assess Candidates’ verbal reasoning test is easily accessible from any device and features an aesthetic and user-friendly interface for candidates. It provides clear assessment instructions and can be fully branded to match your organization. The tests are designed to require minimal clicks to complete, with the assessment automatically moving to the next question once answered. This ensures a seamless and positive candidate experience, which they will associate with your brand. 
  2. Candidate Accessibility Support: Assess Candidates offers support for individuals with disabilities and visual impairments. All our assessments, including the verbal reasoning test, have the option to add extra time, include zoom functionalities, and ensure the use of accessible color schemes and images in compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), guaranteeing compatibility with screen readers.

Assess Candidates is one of the major pre-employment aptitude test providers proven to provide end-to-end assessment solutions for small, medium, and large employers to ensure they successfully hire top best-fit candidates. Why not explore Assess Candidates’ verbal reasoning tests and start hiring today!

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10. Verbal reasoning tests: client application story

Client Problem Statement:

Consider a large retailer facing challenges in selecting and hiring suitable candidates for its customer service and managerial positions. Their current recruitment process successfully attracts a high volume of applicants, but falls short in evaluating candidates’ verbal reasoning skills and their ability to communicate effectively with customers and colleagues. This gap in the assessment process results in bad hires, increased training costs, and dissatisfaction amongst HR and senior management. The retailer needs a more effective selection method to assess candidates’ communication, verbal comprehension, and critical thinking skills to ensure they can excel in demanding customer-facing roles.

Assess Candidates Proposal:

At Assess Candidates, we would recommend that this retailer first invites candidates to take a verbal reasoning test. The verbal reasoning test would assess candidates’ aptitude in understanding, interpreting, and reasoning with written information, their professional communication skills, and problem-solving abilities. These are essential for customer service and managerial roles. Candidate results would enable recruiters and hiring managers to efficiently screen and sift large volumes of applications and identify individuals with the strongest verbal reasoning skills who should advance to the next assessment stage.


By incorporating the verbal reasoning test into their hiring assessment process, this retailer can better identify and hire top talent who have the necessary communication and critical thinking skills to succeed in customer-facing roles. This approach offers a reliable and accurate method to assess candidates’ cognitive abilities and empowers recruiters to make informed hiring decisions with confidence. Utilizing verbal reasoning tests aids the organization in meeting its talent acquisition needs for its customer service and managerial positions, ensuring a higher quality of hires, reduced training costs, and enhanced overall customer satisfaction and business performance.

Interested in getting the latest insights and advice on candidate assessment? Keep reading for frequently asked questions and sign up below with your email to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do verbal reasoning tests measure?

Verbal reasoning tests for recruitment measure candidates’ ability to comprehend, identify, and analyze relevant information from written text to draw logical conclusions. High-scorers on verbal tests typically exhibit strong verbal comprehension and communication skills in the workplace, making them suited for customer-facing roles and positions which require extensive written and verbal communication.

Where in the recruitment process are verbal reasoning tests used?

Verbal reasoning tests are often used in the initial screening stages of the recruitment process to evaluate candidates’ verbal comprehension, critical thinking skills, and ability to draw logical conclusions from written text. These assessments help employers shortlist the most qualified applicants for the next recruitment stage. Verbal reasoning tests are especially valuable for roles that require strong communication and critical thinking skills, such as customer service and management.

How effective are verbal reasoning tests for hiring?

Verbal reasoning tests are highly effective tools for hiring, backed by decades of research and rigorous scientific validation. These assessments provide a reliable and accurate measure of candidates’ verbal comprehension and critical thinking and reasoning skills. By incorporating verbal reasoning tests into the hiring process, employers can better predict candidates’ performance in the workplace, leading to more informed hiring decisions, enhanced productivity, and reduced training costs.

How difficult are pre-employment verbal reasoning tests?

Pre-employment verbal reasoning tests vary in difficulty based on the talent assessment provider and role requirements. Verbal tests focus on candidates’ ability to comprehend, analyze, and interpret written information under timed conditions, requiring only fundamental language skills. While some assessments may be more challenging than others, they aim to be fair and objective, enabling candidates to perform well regardless of their prior experience.

Do verbal reasoning tests ensure objectivity in the hiring process?

Yes, verbal reasoning tests ensure objectivity in the hiring process by providing a standardized, bias-free method to evaluate candidates’ verbal reasoning skills. They use consistent scoring criteria and assess candidates based solely on their skills and performance, rather than subjective judgments. Verbal reasoning tests offer a fair assessment of candidates, empowering employers to make objective and informed hiring decisions.

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