Video Interviews For Recruitment | The Complete 2024/25 Guide

Video interviews are rapidly gaining traction within recruitment as a highly flexible and efficient tool for assessing candidates’ skills, qualifications, motivations, and cultural fit.

As hiring managers, recruiters, or HR professionals, you know that in today’s competitive hiring landscape, organizations – both large and small – must continually modernize their hiring processes and embrace new recruitment technologies. With the surge in popularity of remote working, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic, companies now face the challenge of finding digital solutions that streamline hiring without sacrificing quality. This is where video interviewing, in particular pre-recorded video interviewing, offers an ideal solution as a convenient, cost-effective alternative to telephone interviews.

But what is a video interview, and how does it work in the recruitment process?

In this article, we delve into the video interview as a modern pre-screening tool, highlighting how it differs from traditional interview methods, its key benefits and limitations, and how it can be seamlessly integrated into your recruitment strategy. Additionally, we will debunk common myths surrounding video interviewing and present why leading employers are increasingly turning to video interviews to hire top talent – and how you can do the same.

From reducing hiring costs and time-to-hire to providing a clear picture of candidates’ suitability for a role, video interviews offer a compelling alternative to some conventional interview methods. Investing in mastering video interview tools is vital for organizations seeking to build high-performing teams and reinforce their brand and reputation as an innovative, modern employer.

Whether you are already familiar with pre-employment assessment tools, such as online aptitude tests, game-based assessments, job interviews, and assessment centers, or are completely new, continue reading to discover how to leverage video interviews, especially pre-recorded video interviews, to assess candidates and increase the likelihood of successful hires.


  1. What are video interviews?
  2. How are video interviews assessed?
  3. How do video interviews work?
  4. Why do employers use video interviews for recruitment?
  5. At what stage are video interviews used in the hiring process?
  6. Best practice for integrating pre-recorded video interviews into your recruitment strategy
  7. When to use video interviews for recruitment
  8. What companies use video interviews for recruitment
  9. Why top employers choose Assess Candidates pre-recorded video interviews
  10. Video interview platform: Client application story

1. What are video interviews?

A video interview is a type of job interview that uses dedicated video interview technology or video communication tools to assess a candidate’s skills, competencies, motivations, and suitability for the role. Unlike traditional interview methods, video interviewing allows employers to evaluate candidates remotely, removing geographic constraints and offering convenience and flexibility for both recruiters and candidates.

What is a Video Interview?

Video interviews have become a popular tool in recruitment to effectively screen candidates. They help streamline hiring by offering an efficient way to assess key soft skills and competencies and build well-rounded candidate profiles. Typically video interviews are conducted during the initial hiring stages and often precede more in-depth evaluations like in-person final interviews or assessment centers. While they should not replace face-to-face interviews, they are useful for enhancing the interview hiring process, improving accessibility, and making it easier to find the best candidates.

According to a recent survey by OfficeTeam, 63% of employers use or have recently used video interview tools in their hiring process, highlighting their growing role within modern recruitment.

Types of video interviews for recruitment

There are two primary types of video interviews used for recruitment: 

  1. The one-way video interview – otherwise known as the asynchronous video interview and pre-recorded video interview.
  2. The two-way video interview – also called the synchronous video interview and live video interview

Each format is used for different purposes depending on the stage of the hiring process and the employer’s specific needs.

One-way Video Interview and Two-way Video Interview
  1. One-way Pre-recorded Video Interviews

In a one-way pre-recorded video interview, candidates are presented with a set of predetermined questions, either in text, audio or video format via a designated video interview platform. Unlike traditional interviews, this process is asynchronous and automated, meaning candidates can virtually record and submit their responses at their convenience, within a specified deadline. Typically, there is a time limit for answering each question, and depending on the employer’s preferences, candidates may also have a set time to prepare and the opportunity to re-record responses. 

Each candidate’s recorded interview is reviewed by recruiters, who evaluate their qualifications and suitability against predefined hiring criteria, helping determine whether they should advance to the next assessment stage. Advanced tools, such as AI-driven analytics, can provide further insight into facial expressions, tone of voice, word choice, and confidence. One way video interviews are highly scalable, efficient for high-volume hiring, and allow employers to assess a large number of candidates in a short period. This makes them ideal for initial screening as an alternative to phone screening.

  1. Two-way Live Video Interviews

Live video interviews are more commonly found in traditional hiring processes, simulating face-to-face interviews in a virtual setting. They are conducted in real time, with recruiters communicating directly with candidates via platforms, such as Skype, Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, or specialized video interviewing software. Using dedicated software is advantageous as many include advanced functionalities, like Applicant Tracking System (ATS) integration, collaborative whiteboards, and recording options to streamline the interview process. 

Recruiters must coordinate with each candidate to schedule the interview and send individual meeting invitations. During the interview, candidates are asked questions and their responses, skills, communication style, professionalism, and cultural fit are assessed in real time. This format is ideal for more personal interaction, allowing for deeper discussions and follow-up questions.

Regardless of the type of video interview, when inviting candidates, it is essential for recruiters to provide clear instructions on how to join the video call or submit their recorded responses. Ensuring candidates are well-prepared helps create a smoother, more efficient process.

Some employers may request candidates to submit a video application. This type of video assessment involves candidates recording a short video introduction of themselves where they highlight their skills, experience, and explain why they want to work for the company. Candidates have the opportunity to showcase their enthusiasm, communication style, and creativity. Additionally, video applications can be used to create mini role-playing tasks, which are particularly useful for creative or customer-facing roles.

What are the main differences between one-way and two-way video interviewing?

Both pre-recorded and live video interviewing offer distinct advantages in the recruitment process. Below is a comparison of these two types based on different stages of the interview cycle: 

  • Scheduling:
    • Live Video Interviews: These require strict scheduling and coordination for both recruiters and candidates to find a mutually-convenient time. This can be time-consuming, especially when dealing with a lot of applicants and individual interviews. Scheduling can become even more challenging when candidates are in different time zones or work remotely.
    • Pre-recorded Interviews: With one way interviews, recruiters can send the same set of questions and instructions to numerous candidates at once through pre recorded video interview software. This eliminates the need for strict scheduling, reduces manpower costs, and allows candidates to respond at a convenient time and in a comfortable place, reducing logistical challenges and improving flexibility.
  • Preparation:
    • Both: Whether pre-recorded or live, video interviews require candidates to set up the necessary technology and familiarize themselves with any specific platforms or software. Both can also be prone to technical difficulties, such as connectivity issues.
  • Interaction:
    • Live Video Interviews: These offer real-time conversation between candidates and one or multiple assessors. Recruiters can introduce themselves and their company, build rapport with candidates, ask follow-up or clarifying questions, and observe how candidates respond on their feet. It also gives candidates the chance to ask questions, enabling a more personal touch.
    • Pre-recorded Interviews: Since there is no real-time interaction, this method can feel less personal. Candidates are limited to answering predetermined questions alone in front of a camera with the obvious absence of recruiters. However, this can save time for recruiters as they are not required to attend individual interview sessions.
  • Evaluation: 
    • Live Video Interviews: Real-time evaluations require recruiters to take notes and use evaluation criteria to compare candidates during the interview. While they offer a deeper insight into candidates’ personalities and interpersonal skills, they demand more focus and attention from the hiring manager during the session.
    • Pre-recorded Interviews: Recruiters can review and rewatch each video interview recording at their own convenience, making it more efficient to evaluate and compare multiple candidates simultaneously and minimize bias. The video responses can also be easily shared with other stakeholders for collaborative, informed decision-making.
Difference Between One-way and Two-way Video Interviewing

In summary, pre-recorded video interviews are ideal for high-volume hiring with flexible scheduling, while live interviews enable real-time interaction and deeper engagement with candidates. Pre-recorded video interviews, in particular, stand out for their flexibility, convenience, and the significant time and cost savings for recruiters and candidates alike, discovering talent that may have been overlooked due to external constraints. When choosing the right format for you and your organization, it is important to consider your specific hiring needs, preferences, and available resources.

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How do video interviews differ from traditional in-person interviews?

The primary distinction is that video interviews are conducted remotely, offering a flexibility that face-to-face interviews lack. Video interviewing is particularly advantageous when: 

  • Candidates and hiring managers are in different locations
  • Candidates have limited availability to take time off work for an interview
  • Hiring managers need to quickly screen a large pool of candidates without the logistical constraints of booking meeting rooms
  • Interviewers are in different offices or work remotely
  • Companies operate across multiple locations
  • There is no physical office available, especially in cases of fully remote companies.

Did you know? A survey found that graduates are willing to travel only 35 miles on average for an in-person interview.

Video interviews also offer significant advantages over phone interviews because they allow employers to observe visual cues like facial expressions, body language, and overall professionalism. This added layer of analysis provides a more comprehensive assessment of candidates’ suitability for the role. Due to these benefits, video interviews are commonly used to replace less efficient phone screenings

Keep reading the following sections to find out more about automated video interviews including how they are assessed, the format of typical video interview questions, and how you and your organization can benefit from incorporating this technology into your recruitment strategy.

Assess Candidates Pre-recorded Video Interviews

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2. How are video interviews assessed?

Whether pre-recorded or live, video interviews are assessed based on several factors that help recruiters gauge a candidate’s qualifications, suitability for the role, and potential cultural fit within the organization. Hiring teams review candidate responses against a structured set of hiring criteria or scoring matrix to ensure consistent and objective evaluation across all candidates. By customizing video interview questions and scoring framework, recruiters can target specific skills and competencies relevant to their role and hiring needs. 

What do pre-employment video interviews measure?

Here are some of the key areas commonly assessed during video interviews:

  • Communication Skills: A candidate’s ability to communicate ideas effectively, with clarity and articulation
  • Problem-solving and Critical Thinking: Recruiters ask open-ended questions to assess how candidates approach and solve problems 
  • Technical Skills: For technical roles, you can measure a candidate’s proficiency in specific areas such as coding or data analysis
  • Body Language and Non-verbal Cues: Non-verbal communication such as eye contact, tone of voice, facial expressions, and posture provide insights into confidence and engagement
  • Professionalism: Observing how candidates present themselves, maintain composure, and handle pressure
  • Competencies and Strengths: A candidate’s relevant competencies, core strengths, and past experiences
  • Motivation: Candidates’ reason for applying, enthusiasm for the role, and interest in the company 
  • Personality and Cultural Fit: Insights into a candidate’s personality traits, work-style preferences, and values, which are essential for assessing whether they align with company culture
  • Language Proficiency: In roles requiring a specific level of language skills, fluency and language knowledge can be assessed.

The specific areas assessed in video interviews and the structure of the scoring matrix depend on each employer’s needs and their role’s requirements. For customer-facing positions, the focus may be on a candidate’s communication style and professionalism. Whereas video interviews for technical positions are more likely to prioritize assessing technical expertise and problem-solving abilities. Nonetheless, video interview screening offers a unique opportunity to evaluate both verbal and non-verbal communication, technical skills, and behaviors in one cohesive format. This helps recruiters build a holistic picture of candidates and make more informed hiring decisions. 

Furthermore, pre-recorded video interviews standardize the evaluation process, ensuring that all candidates applying for the same role are assessed consistently and objectively against predefined hiring criteria. This not only helps filter out those who did not meet the hiring criteria, but also highlights top talent to pass to the next round of recruitment.

Pro Tip: When reviewing pre recorded video interview responses, consistency is key. Watch each video thoroughly and follow the scoring criteria to avoid missing important details.

How do video interviews predict job performance?

Video interviews for recruitment are powerful tools for predicting job performance and determining candidate suitability. Through carefully designed questions, they can offer a holistic view of a candidate’s technical knowledge, job-related competencies, and work-style personality – three key job predictors within pre-employment testing. By observing visual cues, such as body language and non-verbal communication, alongside assessing responses to job-specific scenarios, recruiters can gain insight into a candidate’s thought process, behaviors, problem-solving abilities, and alignment with the role’s requirements and company culture.

How is artificial intelligence (AI) used in pre-recorded video interviews?

AI technology is revolutionizing the video interview process in several ways. Some automated video interview tools use AI-assisted analysis and face and voice recognition to analyze a candidate’s facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, and word choice. This AI can generate automated reports or scores that aid recruiters in evaluating soft skills like emotional intelligence, confidence, enthusiasm, and authenticity, which are difficult to assess through resumes or phone interviews.

AI-powered video interviews allow companies to analyze vast amounts of data from multiple candidates quickly, identifying patterns or red flags that may be invisible to the human eye. This is particularly useful for large-scale recruitment where hundreds or thousands of interviews need to be processed. AI enables HR professionals to make data-driven decisions and focus on the most promising candidates more quickly.

Leading companies, such as Hilton and Unilever, have used AI-driven video interviewing to streamline their hiring process. 

So are video interviews the future of recruitment?

AI-enhanced pre-recorded video interviews are effective as a recruitment tool bringing efficiency and depth, especially if properly designed and tested. Using objective data points, they ensure consistent evaluation and have the potential to reduce human biases in the hiring process. 

However, there are ethical and legal considerations that must be addressed when using AI technology to assess candidates. Algorithms should be tested for fairness, ensuring they do not inadvertently introduce biases related to gender, race, ethnicity, sex, age, etc. Additionally, AI should not be used alone to make automated decisions without human input. 

Companies should offer transparency regarding how AI is being used in the interview process and give candidates the option to opt-out if they have concerns.

Let’s now take a look at some one way interview questions and examples.

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3. How do video interviews work?

Video interviews vary depending on the type (pre-recorded or live) and the employer’s approach. Typically, they all have a set duration, consist of a specific number of questions, and are conducted using a reliable, user-friendly video interview platform.

  • How do pre recorded interviews work?
  1. Invitation: Candidates receive an invitation with a link to a browser-based video interview platform, accessible via desktop or mobile. They will find a set of predefined questions along with clear instructions. 
  2. Recording Responses: Candidates record themselves answering one way interview questions. The platform may include re-recording options or enforce a strict ‘first attempt only’ rule, depending on the employer’s preference.
  3. Time Management: The deadline to submit answers can vary – from a couple of days to a week. Each question will also have a set time limit, normally one to three minutes, requiring candidates to effectively manage answering the question comprehensively and within the time limit. 
  4. Review: Once submitted, the hiring team reviews candidate responses at their convenience and candidates are notified whether they have progressed to the next assessment stage.

Keep in mind that candidates may not be familiar or comfortable with pre recorded interviews. As hiring managers and recruiters, it is helpful to encourage candidates to practice using the video interview platform beforehand. This can reduce anxiety and help candidates become more comfortable on camera to better showcase their true selves, leading to more accurate results.

  • How do live video interviews work?
  1. Invitation: Candidates receive an invitation to a scheduled interview, typically conducted via a video conferencing tool. Depending on the role’s seniority, it could be a one-on-one interview or a panel interview with more senior staff.
  2. Standardized and Follow-up Questions: Assessors usually prepare a mix of standardized questions to ensure consistency and fairness and may ask follow-up questions based on the candidate’s answers to dive deeper into specific topics. For example, if a candidate shares an experience where they faced team disagreement, you may follow-up with a question on conflict resolution to assess their approach and alignment with your company culture.
  3. Candidate Questions: At the end of the interview, candidates are given the opportunity to ask questions about the role, company, or hiring process.
  4. Review: Assessors review their notes or video recordings and make their hiring decisions. Candidates are informed whether they have been successful at this recruitment stage.

So, what questions are asked in a video interview?

In video interviews, as in any interview, the questions should be well-structured and tailored to the specific role, the skills and behaviors required, and the seniority of the position. Whether the video interview is live or pre-recorded, the goal is to gain insight into each candidate’s qualifications, experience, and cultural fit. 

In particular, when designing pre-recorded video interview questions: 

  • Ensure relevance: Questions should directly relate to the role’s requirements and responsibilities.
  • Allow for individuality: Although one way interview questions are standardized, ensure there is room for candidates to express their unique experiences and strengths. 
  • Favor open-ended questions: Pre-recorded interviews don’t allow follow-up questions, so it is essential to enable candidates to elaborate on their skills and experience, providing deeper insights than closed, yes/no questions.

It is important to reassure candidates that there are no absolute right or wrong answers during a video interview. However, their responses should be thoughtful and based on their research on the company, the role, and relevant experiences.

Pre-recorded video interview questions and examples

Now let’s take a look at some pre recorded video interview examples!

Competency-based Interview Questions:

  • “Give me an example of when you faced a challenge at work and describe how you overcame it.”
  • “Can you tell me about a time when you have worked on a project or piece of work as part of a team?”
Competency-based Video Interview Questions

Motivational Interview Questions:

  • “What motivated you to apply to this role?”
  • “Please explain why a career in XYZ particularly interests and excites you.”
Motivational Video Interview Questions

Strength-based Interview Questions:

  • “What are some of your strengths and weaknesses?”
  • “Describe your most significant achievements. How did you make these happen?”
Strength-based Video Interview Questions

Technical Interview Questions:

  • “What is your experience working with XYZ software?”
  • “What kind of tech projects do you work on in your spare time?”
Technical Video Interview Questions

General Interview Questions:

  • “What specific skills do you have which makes you a strong candidate for this role?”
  • “Tell me about yourself and how you align with our company.”
General Video Interview Questions

These diverse pre-recorded video interview questions are from Assess Candidates’ range of 13 video interviews, covering key areas like competencies, technical abilities, cultural fit, strengths, and motivations. Our automated video interviews typically consist of nine to ten questions, with two minutes allocated to answer each.

Why not customize your own video interview questions? With Assess Candidates, you can create custom video interviews that align with the demands of your role and your organization. Design the style and number of questions, adjust the amount of response time allowed per question, and allow or disable re-records to suit your specific needs.

How does pre-recorded video interview customization work at Assess Candidates?

At Assess Candidates, we offer two flexible customization options to tailor your pre-recorded video interviews to meet the unique requirements of your role, team, and company culture. 

  1. Semi-bespoke solutions: Select predefined questions from our extensive library, including industry-specific, competency-based, and strength-based video interviews. This allows you to build a cohesive pre-recorded interview by mixing and matching questions relevant to your role and organizational objectives. 
  1. Fully-bespoke solutions: Partner with our team of expert psychologists and consultants to build a fully-customized, structured video interview. Each question is designed specifically for your role’s unique requirements, company values, and industry and to ensure a positive candidate experience.

To further enhance candidate engagement during a pre recorded video interview, consider presenting your custom questions in video format featuring real team members! This approach can help prevent the video interview from feeling one-sided and detached as it creates a more interactive and humanized experience. By showcasing the faces and voices of your team and organization, you can make the process feel more personalized and real, allowing candidates to connect with your company culture right from the start. This can also reduce candidate interview anxiety, leading to better interview performance and more authentic demonstration of their job potential.

Explore more pre recorded video interview questions or connect with our experts to discuss bespoke solutions.

In the following section, we delve into the pros and cons of video interviewing, in particular pre recorded video interviewing, in the recruitment process.

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4. Why do employers use video interviews for recruitment?

Video interviews are gaining popularity as an important tool in candidate selection and recruitment, especially as remote working becomes increasingly prevalent. They enable recruiters to identify candidates with the key skills, competencies, and cultural fit necessary for success in specific roles and organizations. By providing a well-rounded understanding of each candidate, video interviews empower employers to make more informed hiring decisions. In particular, pre-recorded video interviews are also highly effective for filtering down large candidate pools, making them invaluable in graduate recruitment and other high-volume recruitment scenarios.

In this section, we explore the pros and cons of video interviewing, primarily focusing on pre-recorded video interviewing, highlighting their flexibility and convenience, how they save time and money without sacrificing the quality of hires, and help to reduce biases and discrimination.

Video Interview Pros and Cons

What are the benefits of video interviewing in recruitment?

  1. Flexibility and Convenience

Pre-recorded video interviews offer remarkable flexibility for both recruiters and candidates. Recruiters can eliminate the strict scheduling, meeting room bookings, and logistical challenges associated with in-person interviews and two-way video interviews, instead inviting multiple candidates simultaneously. This format allows recruiters to review responses at their own convenience and in one click.

For candidates, pre-recorded interviews can be recorded at a time and location that suits them, eliminating the need for travel arrangements or taking interviews during business hours – a key advantage for remote workers or those currently employed. This convenience and accessibility makes the process more appealing to a wider pool of candidates, regardless of their location. 

Video interviews became more popular during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to an Indeed study, 82% of employers adopted video interviewing due to the pandemic and restrictions on travel, and 93% planned to continue using them.

  1. Saving Time and Money

Pre-recorded video interviews can help save time and money for both recruiters and candidates. Automated video interviews can be conducted at scale, allowing recruiters to assess multiple candidates simultaneously instead of scheduling individual interviews. Theoretically, in the time it takes to finish one face-to-face interview, you could receive twenty pre-recorded video interviews. Upon submission, hiring managers can access the recordings with a single click and quickly shortlist qualified candidates before starting more lengthy final interviews and/or assessment centers. This prevents you from wasting valuable time with unsuitable candidates and helps shorten the time-to-hire

Cost-effectiveness is another advantage. One-way interviews reduce the high costs associated with large-scale recruitment and conducting final interviews. Administered online and typically priced per video interview campaign or through a flat fee, they offer a relatively low cost per candidate. They also minimize the risk of costly rehiring and retraining by ensuring candidates align with job requirements and company culture from the start. For candidates, pre-recorded interviews save time and money spent on travel

Did you know? Pre recorded video interviewing can speed up hiring by 80% and are up to 6x less expensive than phone interviews. 

  1. Improving the Quality of Hire 

When implemented effectively, a pre-recorded video interview can enhance the quality of hires as it offers a more reliable and comprehensive understanding of candidates. Early insights into a candidate’s skills, communication style, and cultural fit can help recruiters accurately determine their suitability for the role and organization, ensuring that only those who are a strong match are shortlisted. Employees, whose competencies and skills fit the demands of the role, are more likely to be satisfied, productive, and engaged at work, leading to improved retention rates. Recruiters can also use pre-recorded interviews to crosscheck any discrepancies or exaggerations on CVs and eliminate candidates accordingly. This helps reduce the risk of bad hires. 

Video interviews are even more powerful predictors of job performance when they are combined with other pre-employment assessments, such as numerical, verbal, and logical reasoning tests, situational judgement tests, and personality tests. This holistic approach allows recruiters to make well-informed data-driven decisions based on a deeper understanding of a candidate’s suitability and potential. This synergy between qualitative and quantitative data boosts hiring accuracy and helps select the best candidates for final-stage assessments.

  1. Standardizing the Hiring Process

Pre-recorded video interviews provide a structured and standardized method for evaluating candidates by ensuring consistency throughout the process. All candidates answer the same set of questions in the same order and with the equal response time, which reduces the risk of conscious and unconscious bias that may arise during traditional interviews. 

This format also enables recruiters to easily and objectively compare candidates side-by-side. They can rewatch video recordings as many times as they like and use standardized hiring criteria or scoring systems to assess each candidate’s suitability for the role. By focusing on skills, competencies, cultural fit, and potential job performance rather than subjective factors like background, age, gender, ethnicity, or race, hiring managers can make decisions that are fair and aligned with company values. Recordings can also evidence why a candidate was or was not shortlisted to comply with legal standards.

  1. Enhancing Diversity and Inclusion

Hiring locally can mean that you miss out on great candidates. One-way video interviews broaden the applicant pool by making the hiring process accessible to global skilled talent, who otherwise may not be able to attend in-person interviews. Eliminating the need for travel and accommodating different time zones allows remote candidates to participate and can geographically diversify the talent pool. This creates a more diverse and inclusive workforce with a broader range of perspectives.

  1. Fostering Collaboration

Automated video interviews can be easily shared with and accessed by all relevant stakeholders in the hiring process. They can view the recordings, leave feedback, discuss impressions, and collectively decide who to shortlist, ensuring fair and balanced decisions. Unlike traditional interviews, where often only one recruiter is present, pre-recorded interviews ensure all decision-makers have the same first-hand information, eliminating the need for multiple interview rounds which can negatively impact candidate experience. This collaborative approach reduces recruiters’ workloads and ensures a smoother experience for both candidates and the hiring team.

  1. Ensuring a Positive Candidate Experience

Pre-recorded video interviews can reduce candidate stress by offering flexibility and control over the interview process. Candidates often have time to prepare and rehearse before answering each question and, in many cases, can even re-record their answers. This added flexibility can be reassuring and allows candidates to feel more confidence so they can showcase their best selves. Conducting the interview from the comfort of their own home further eases anxiety and eliminates the pressure of having to travel to in-person interviews. Pre-recorded interviews, therefore, contribute to a more positive candidate experience.

Integrating a pre recorded video interview into your hiring process empowers you to efficiently identify and shortlist candidates who have the right skills for the role and are aligned with your company culture. This not only contributes to a more engaged, productive workforce, but also improves employee retention

Unlock the benefits of adding a pre-recorded video interview to your recruitment strategy. HIRE FOR FREE

While we have highlighted the benefits of video interviewing for candidates and recruiters, it is important to also acknowledge their controversial nature. Within talent acquisition, some praise pre-recorded video interviews for streamlining the interview process and attracting more candidates, whilst others criticize them as impersonal and overly robotic. Understanding these potential drawbacks will help you make well-informed, balanced decisions.

6 things to consider before using pre-recorded video interviews for recruitment

  1. Impersonal Nature: Pre-recorded video interviews can feel mechanical, lacking the human interaction that helps candidates connect with your organization. This detachment may create a negative impression.

Solution: Provide thoughtful, personalized feedback post-interview, thanking candidates for their time and informing them of their application progress. This reassures candidates that their interview was reviewed by a real person. Also consider presenting your questions in video format featuring team members to make the process feel more real and engaging.

  1. Test Anxiety: Completing a pre-recorded video interview can cause stress and anxiety, especially if candidates feel uncomfortable talking to a web camera or lack first-hand experience. 

Solution: Consider allowing candidates extra time to prepare their answers and offer an option to retake recordings. Additionally, encourage candidates to practice a recruitment video interview beforehand as familiarizing themselves with the video interview platform can ease anxiety and ensure they showcase their true ability.

  1. Technical Issues: Pre-recorded video interviews are subject to technical difficulties, such as unstable internet connection and poor video or audio quality. Candidates might not be tech-savvy and struggle to access the technology.

Solution: Provide clear instructions through “how-to” guides or videos explaining how to access and navigate the video interview platform. Remind candidates to test their camera, lighting, and microphone beforehand and share clear information about dress code, interview etiquette, and submission deadlines.

  1. No Follow-up Questions: Unlike live interviews, if a candidate does not understand a question, they are unable to request clarification. Similarly, the recruiter cannot ask follow-up questions to dive deeper into a candidate’s specific answers and skills.

Solution: Send an automated email post-interview to allow candidates to ask any questions or express concerns. Alternatively, you can also reach out with follow-up questions after reviewing their responses.

  1. Lack of Company Insight: With the absence of a recruiter and real-time interaction, candidates may miss out on understanding your company culture. 

Solution: Include a welcome video to introduce candidates to your organization, company culture, and values. After the video interview stage, consider inviting shortlisted candidates to an immersive assessment center. This can offer candidates a glimpse into daily life at your company, as well as the common responsibilities and challenges they might face in the role.

  1. Legal Risks: Pre-recorded interviews may unintentionally invite bias based on candidates’ speech patterns or appearance or rely too heavily on AI to make decisions.

Solution: Do not rely on AI alone and instead use your own predefined evaluation criteria and scoring system. Document post-interview feedback to ensure fair, objective assessments based solely on relevant factors.

Now that we have a better understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of video interviews in the hiring process, we will move on to discuss where and when video interviews should be used for recruitment.

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5. At what stage are video interviews used in the hiring process?

Video interviews can be integrated at various stages of the recruitment process, depending on the type, role’s seniority, and the size of the organization. One-way pre-recorded video interviews are most effectively used early on in the process, typically after initial screening to sift through a large number of candidates and identify those qualified for the role. This helps streamline the process before advancing candidates to final-stage interviews and assessments. Live video interviews are often scheduled later in the hiring process for thorough evaluation, before meeting candidates in-person.

Where to incorporate a video interview into the hiring process?

Imagine that you are hiring for a new role and have received 1,000 applications. Instead of manually reviewing each resume, you can streamline your process by inviting candidates to take pre interview assessments. But what is a pre interview assessment? Typically this is an online psychometric assessment, such as numerical, verbal, logical reasoning tests, situational judgement tests, and/or personality tests. These assessments allow you to quickly and accurately evaluate candidates’ cognitive abilities, behavior, and personality traits. By setting clear pass thresholds, you can easily filter out those who don’t meet your specific criteria. 

Following this initial evaluation and sifting, we then suggest progressing candidates to a pre-recorded video interview. This step offers deeper insight into a candidate’s competencies, qualifications, communication style, and overall cultural fit within the context of your specific role and company culture. After reviewing candidates’ video recordings, you can identify the best candidates from a large pool to advance to the final recruitment stages – whether a final in-person interview or an assessment center. As previously mentioned, pre-recorded video interviews should not replace in-person interviews.

Alternatively, for more senior roles or when handling fewer candidates, you might conduct a live video interview at a later stage, allowing real-time interaction before bringing candidates in for face-to-face discussions with you and the team.

After completing their applications and any relevant pre interview assessments, candidates receive a link to the video interview assessment platform. They are typically given several days to a week to record and submit their interview responses. Recruiters can easily access these video responses through an online reporting dashboard, where they can review, rewatch, share, and shortlist top candidates for the final stages of recruitment.

Below is a detailed explanation of the purpose and role of video interviews at different stages of the recruitment process:

Stage of hiring processPurpose of video interviewBenefits
Early-stage screening (pre-recorded)To sift candidates– Saves time and resources by quickly identifying candidates who don’t have the necessary skills, competencies, communication style, and fit for the role
– Ideal for high-volume recruitment
Initial interview process (pre-recorded)To determine candidates’ suitability for the role– Using standardized questions and scoring criteria provides a accurate, objective, and well-rounded evaluation of candidates’ strengths, competencies, communication skills, and cultural fit
Initial interview process (live)To determine candidates’ suitability for the role– Real-time interaction for insights into candidates’ strengths, competencies, communication skills, and cultural fit
– Follow-up questions allow for deeper engagement with candidates
OnboardingTo tailor the onboarding process based on candidate responses– Provides insights into a candidate’s competencies, skills, strengths, and weaknesses, enabling you to customize training sessions accordingly
– Proactively addresses new employees’ areas for improvement
How Video Interviews Are Used in the Hiring Process

Incorporating pre-screening video interviews at different stages of the hiring process allows organizations to streamline operations, minimize biases, and improve candidate experience, and customize onboarding and training to each employee’s unique needs. Additionally, video interviews may also be employed internally to evaluate current employees for promotions. Use a pre-recorded video interview at the assessment stage that works best for your recruitment strategy!

Explore our pre-recorded video platform developed by Chartered Scientists and Psychologists. LEARN MORE

In the next section, we outline step-by-step the best practices and the dos and don’ts for including a pre-recorded video interview in your hiring process. Ready to dive in?

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6. Best practices for integrating pre-recorded video interviews into your recruitment strategy

Careful planning and execution is necessary to ensure effective incorporation of automated video interviews into your recruitment process. Here, we have outlined three simple steps as well as key best practices and clear dos and don’ts on how to prepare for a pre recorded video interview as a recruiter. These tips will help optimize candidate video interview screening and make sure your hiring decisions are not only accurate and data-driven, but also closely aligned with your role’s specific demands and company culture.

Pre-recorded Video Interviews for Recruitment Dos and Don’ts

1. Create your pre-recorded video interview campaign

  • Do select an appropriate video interview platform. Choose a provider that aligns with your organizational needs and your reasoning for using video interviews. Ask yourself important questions: Do you have remote candidates or positions? Are you looking to streamline the screening process or evaluate specific soft skills? Do you want customization functionalities? Which provider can accommodate your company’s size and growth?
  • Do customize interview settings. Tailor the pre recorded interview settings to suit your hiring timeline and candidate experience. Give candidates a reasonable deadline (typically 5-7 days) and a realistic number of questions (around 4-9), whether presented in written or video format. Set preparation and answer times that are sufficient but not overly lengthy. Additionally, consider allowing retakes, which can improve the candidate experience by reducing anxiety.
  • Do design relevant pre recorded video interview questions. Before setting up automated video interviews, clearly define the job requirements. Use these to create focused questions that assess core competencies whether that’s problem-solving, leadership, communication, or technical skills. Open-ended questions are key for encouraging candidates to provide detailed responses. It is also essential that all candidates applying for the same role receive the same set of predetermined questions to ensure fairness.
  • Do maintain consistency. Standardizing the questions and process allows for a more equitable evaluation. All candidates should answer the same pre recorded interview questions in the same format, making comparisons and evaluations clearer and more unbiased.
  • Don’t rely solely on video interviews. Pre recorded video interviews should be one tool in a comprehensive recruitment process. Pair pre-recorded interviews with other pre-employment assessments, such as psychometric tests – including numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, logical reasoning, situational judgement, and/or personality tests – to provide a comprehensive overview of candidates’ cognitive abilities, behaviors, and personality traits. This multi-assessment approach improves the predictive validity of your hiring process and reduces bias.
  • Don’t forget to test the video interview platform. Before inviting candidates, ensure you thoroughly test the recording and submission processes yourself. Check video clarity, the speed at which questions move, and other technical aspects. Being fully familiar with the video interview technology allows you to troubleshoot potential issues and ensures a smoother, professional experience for both you and the candidates. 
Create a Pre-recorded Video Interview Recruitment Campaign

2. Invite candidates to your pre-recorded video interview

  • Invite candidates in a single click to complete your pre recorded video interview – whether through individual email, CSV file upload, or a public link. 
  • Do clearly communicate the process to candidates. Ensure candidates understand how to access and navigate the video interview platform by proactively explaining the steps. Use videos or “how-to” guides to share clear information about the video interview’s purpose, components, and expectations, such as the dress code, interview etiquette, instructions, and submission deadlines. You can also include basic technical tips and best practices. This fosters transparency and ensures a positive candidate experience, reducing any anxiety caused by unfamiliarity.
  • Do personalize the welcome experience. Incorporate your organization’s branding into the communication and interview process to create a welcoming and professional environment. Personalization demonstrates that you care about candidate experience and helps candidates feel more connected to your company right from the start. Videos, company logos, or brief messages from team members can give candidates a sense of your culture while making the interview feel more human and less robotic.
Invite Candidates to your Pre-recorded Video Interview

3. Analyze results and shortlist candidates

  • Do use consistent scoring matrices and hiring criteria. Implement consistent evaluation criteria and score matrices to objectively assess all candidates. This ensures a fair process, enhances the quality of feedback, and reduces time to hire.
  • Do develop skills for remotely assessing candidates: Recruiters should become proficient in evaluating non-verbal and verbal cues over video. Pay attention to visual indicators such as eye contact, posture, and gestures, as well as verbal qualities like tone, clarity, and confidence. For example, confident speech and sustained eye contact often reflect strong communication skills.
  • Don’t review the pre recorded video interviews alone. Share the video interviews recordings with relevant colleagues and involve the necessary stakeholders to provide feedback. Ensuring buy-in from all key decision-makers leads to consensus and prevents delays in the hiring process. 
  • Do set clear timelines. Establish specific deadlines for reviewing and providing feedback on the video recordings to keep the process moving efficiently.
  • Do shortlist qualified candidates. Based on the video interview assessment, advance the most suitable candidates to the next recruitment stage, whether an in-person interview or assessment center.
  • Do provide constructive feedback. After the pre recorded video interviews, offer candidates feedback on their performance. This helps candidates understand their strengths and areas for improvement, building rapport and maintaining a positive employer brand.
  • Don’t overlook candidate feedback. If several candidates report feeling disengaged or intimidated by the one-way video interview, consider adjusting your approach. Reassess whether the format is effective or if changes are necessary to create a more candidate-friendly experience.
Analyze Candidate Results from the Pre-recorded Video Interview

By adhering to these best practices and dos and don’ts, you can make informed hiring decisions with confidence. Explore our pre-recorded video interviewing tools to discover how they can help you identify candidates that will thrive in your role and organization. 

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7. When to use video interviews for recruitment

Video interviews for recruitment, especially pre-recorded video interviews, are becoming an increasingly popular tool due to their flexibility, convenience, and scalability. Video interview questions can be tailored to assess candidates’ suitability for a wide range of roles, from entry-level positions such as apprenticeships and graduate schemes to more experienced managerial and executive roles. However, they are most effective for entry-level and mid-level positions.

In this section, we explore how prescreening video interviews are effectively utilized across different types of recruitment and identify which roles benefit most from integrating them into the hiring process.

2 examples when employers should use video interviews for recruitment

  1. High-volume recruitment: For popular roles that attract hundreds or even thousands of applications, managing the recruitment process can be overwhelming. Pre-recorded video interviews are particularly beneficial for high-volume hiring as they offer recruiters a cost-effective and time-efficient solution for screening and filtering large pools of seemingly equally qualified candidates early in the process.

Pre-recorded video interviews are especially advantageous for graduate programs and entry-level positions, where organizations need to hire multiple graduates within a short time frame, whilst ensuring the process is fair and legally defensible. Pre-recorded interviews allow recruiters to assess candidates at scale without sacrificing quality or consistency.

  1. Medium-volume and low-volume recruitment: For medium-sized businesses, live video interviews can be an ideal solution. In these situations where fewer applicants are involved, live video interviews help recruiters focus on in-depth evaluations rather than simply filtering out applicants. Additionally, they offer a practical alternative for candidates who may face geographic or financial barriers to attend in-person interviews and would otherwise be excluded. 

Which industries and roles benefit most from recruitment video interviews and why?

The short answer: virtually all can benefit from recruitment video interviews!

All roles, across diverse industries, require employees to demonstrate specific skills, competencies, strengths, and values that contribute to success within both the role and company. However, video interviews are particularly advantageous for customer-facing, sales, and leadership roles to assess a candidate’s communication skills, problem-solving, emotional intelligence, and other soft skills. These intangible qualities are difficult to evaluate from a resume alone and can be better assessed through visual and verbal cues in a video interview.

In addition, technical industries and roles, such as software development or engineering, also benefit from video interviews. Employers can evaluate not only technical expertise but also a candidate’s ability to explain complex concepts—an essential skill in collaborative, project-based environments.

Video interviews are also highly effective in industries with a primarily remote workforce, such as IT, digital marketing, and creative services, where virtual communication skills are critical. In these fields, video interviews provide a realistic simulation of the day-to-day virtual communication style candidates will need to succeed.

In these contexts, video interviews aren’t just helpful—they are essential for identifying individuals who are best suited to the role’s demands and the company’s work environment. This leads to happier employees, stronger performance, and, ultimately, a more profitable business

Industries that have embraced video interviews for recruitment include: 

  • Finance: In a sector where efficiency and time management are key, pre-recorded video interviews allow financial institutions to quickly screen candidates for critical roles like banking, auditing, accounting, and financial analysis. Companies such as Goldman Sachs, HSBC, and Morgan Stanley rely on atuomated video interviews to evaluate a candidate’s ability to handle the pressure, communicate clearly, and make strategic decisions.
  • Technology and IT: With many tech companies operating globally, remote automated interviews have become the norm. Video interviews allow employers to assess candidates’ technical expertise and communication skills, especially for technical positions that require problem-solving or team collaboration. Major tech firms, including Google, Microsoft, IBM, Vodafone, and Amazon, use video interviews to hire software engineers, product managers, and data analysts.
  • Retail: Fast-paced retail environments need employees who can quickly think on their feet and manage customer interactions with ease. Walmart, Tesco, Asda, and Aldi integrate video interviews into their hiring processes, particularly for managerial and customer-facing roles, to assess problem-solving skills, adaptability, and customer service experience.
  • Healthcare: Video interviews in healthcare allow employers to assess a candidate’s bedside manner, empathy, and communication skills, which are essential when dealing with patients. Organizations like Kaiser Permanente, the NHS, CVS Health, and Cleveland Clinic use automated video interviews to evaluate candidates for nursing, physician, and administrative roles.
  • Consulting: Problem-solving and client communication are critical in consulting roles. Firms such as McKinsey & Company and the Big Four (Deloitte, PwC, EY, KPMG) use video interviews to assess how candidates approach complex business problems and interact with clients.
  • Customer Service: In industries like hospitality and aviation, customer service is paramount. Companies such as British Airways, Etihad, Hilton, and Zappos utilize pre-recorded video interviews to assess how candidates would handle difficult customer interactions, highlighting their communication, conflict resolution, and problem-solving skills.
  • Engineering: Engineering roles require both technical expertise and problem-solving abilities. Companies like Siemens, General Electric, BHP, and Ford use video interviews to assess candidates’ technical skills, communication capabilities, and ability to work collaboratively, especially for remote or global teams.

The industries mentioned have successfully harnessed video interview technology to enhance their recruitment processes by efficiently identifying and selecting best-fit talent. Organizations of all sizes, from small startups to large multinational corporations, can therefore benefit from using video interview solutions to streamline the hiring process, reduce costs, improve candidate experience, and ensure strong alignment between the candidate and company culture. 

At Assess Candidates, we recognize the diversity of industries that can benefit from video interviews and offer tailored solutions, including pre-recorded industry-specific video interviews and questions. This ensures that the assessments are relevant to the role and sector. Our 11 industry-specific offerings cover a broad range of fields, such as:

  1. Accounting
  2. Banking
  3. Consulting
  4. Construction
  5. Engineering
  6. Finance
  7. HR
  8. Law
  9. Marketing
  10. Retail 
  11. Technology

By aligning video interview questions with industry demands, we help employers assess the technical skills, soft skills, and cultural fit of their candidates, ensuring that the best talent is selected for long-term success.

Jobs that use video interview screening: 

  • Graduate Trainee (Finance, Consulting, Marketing, IT)
  • Customer Service Representative 
  • Industrial Engineer
  • Software Engineer
  • Data Analyst
  • HR Business Partner
  • Retail Assistant Manager
  • Hospitality Front Desk Supervisor
  • Risk Analyst
  • Management Consultant
  • Sales Associate
  • Pharmacy Technician
Video Interviews for Jobs

If you are an employer that after reading through this information is still unsure about whether using a live or pre-recorded video interview is right for your organization, click here to learn more or contact us for a free analysis tailored to your recruitment needs. 

Next, we will share some examples of leading employers who have successfully harnessed video interview technology in their hiring process.

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8. What companies use video interviews for recruitment?

In recent years, the number of leading global companies using video interviews – especially pre recorded video interviews – as a part of their recruitment strategies have significantly increased. This trend has also expanded to include small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and startups, which are increasingly realizing the value of video interview tools for making more informed and efficient hiring decisions. Below are some of the top employers leveraging advanced online video interviewing software: 

  • HSBC
  • Goldman Sachs
  • Marks & Spencer’s
  • Walmart
  • EY
  • British Airways
  • Morgan Stanley
  • Hilton
  • Tesco
  • Google
  • Amazon
  • Deloitte
  • PwC
  • NHS
  • IKEA
  • Siemens
  • Barclays
  • Unilever
  • Samsung
  • Bank of America
  • IBM

Whilst some companies opt to conduct video interviews using widely available platforms like Zoom, due to cost considerations, we recommend investing in a specialized video interview platform. These platforms can be seamlessly integrated with your Applicant Tracking System (ATS), enhance the efficiency of live and pre-recorded video interviews, and allow for thorough video interview analysis

But, who are some of the top video interview software providers?

The top 10 video interview platform providers

When choosing a video interview software provider, it is crucial to evaluate both the effectiveness of the video interview and the overall functionality of the technology. To ensure you select the right solution, consider the following critical questions: 

  • Does the video interview technology streamline and speed up the hiring process?
  • Can I efficiently assess multiple candidates simultaneously?
  • Is there easy, one-click access to candidate responses, recordings, and reports?
  • Do the video interview questions provide an objective assessment of candidates’ suitability?
  • Can I customize the video interviews to align with my specific role and company culture?
  • Is the video interview platform user-friendly, ensuring an engaging candidate experience?
  • Can the video interview software accommodate my company’s size?

By considering these factors, you can confidently select a video interview platform software that aligns with your recruitment needs and goals, making the hiring process more efficient, insightful, and fair.

Here are some leading video interview software providers specializing in both pre-recorded and live video interviews: 

  1. Assess Candidates
  2. HireVue
  3. Pymetrics
  4. Spark Hire
  5. VidRecruiter
  6. Modern Hire
  7. Willow
  8. Harver
  9. MyInterview
  10. Talview

Investing in the right video interview solution for your organization not only enhances your hiring strategy but also elevates the candidate experience, ultimately leading to better recruitment outcomes.

Check if the video interview platform integrates with your Applicant Tracking System (ATS). This will allow each video interview recording to be automatically saved and linked to each candidates’ profile, where it can be easily accessed, reviewed, and rewatched by all members of your hiring team.

Now let’s explore why employers are using Assess Candidates’ pre-recorded video interviews to select best-fit talent for your role, team, and company culture.

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9. Why top employers choose Assess Candidates pre-recorded video interviews

At Assess Candidates, we offer a diverse range of 13 pre-recorded video interviews. In addition, we provide bespoke solutions to tailor your video interviews and recruitment campaigns to meet your business’s specific needs, goals, and values..

Our campaign reporting dashboard, available through the Assess Candidates platform is a user-friendly tool designed specifically for hiring managers and HR professionals. This advanced reporting system offers in-depth insights, filtering functions, and powerful analytics, streamlining candidate evaluation while enhancing the overall selection process.

Pre-recorded Video Interview Campaign Dashboard for Recruiters

Here are the top 4 reasons why you should choose Assess Candidates’ pre-recorded video interviews for your hiring needs:

  1. Efficient Screening: Assess Candidates’ pre-recorded video interviews streamline the screening process, particularly for high-volume recruitment. Recruiters can asynchronously assess candidates at their convenience, using both predefined and custom questions. This flexibility reduces the need for time-consuming phone screenings while painting a more in-depth picture of the candidate. The Assess Candidates platform enables recruiters to complete the entire interview process remotely – inviting candidates, reviewing responses, and collaborating with colleagues on hiring decisions – all from one dynamic dashboard.
  1. Consistency: Assess Candidates’ pre-recorded video interview tools provide consistency by ensuring that all candidates answer the same series of questions. This reduces the risk of unconscious bias and subjective decision-making often found in face-to-face interviews. With the Assess Candidates platform, recruiters can systematically compare candidates’ qualifications, communication skills, personality traits, cultural fit, and job-specific competencies using a consistent evaluation matrix. This leads to more informed hiring decisions, better retention rates, higher job satisfaction, and improved recruitment outcomes.
  1. Enhanced Candidate Experience: Our video interviews are designed with user-friendliness in mind, delivering a seamless experience across any device. Candidates enjoy a professional interface with clear instructions and minimal navigation, ensuring positive interaction for candidates. The platform can be fully branded, ensuring a professional and engaging experience that candidates associate with your company’s brand during the assessment process.
  1. Candidate Accessibility Support: We prioritize inclusivity by ensuring our assessments, including the video interview assessment, are fully accessible to candidates with disabilities. Our platform offers additional time, zoom functionalities, accessible color schemes, and is compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), ensuring compatibility with screen readers and other assistive technologies. This ensures every candidate can participate equally, promoting fairness and accessibility in your hiring process.

Assess Candidates is a trusted assessment provider of modern, scalable, end-to-end hiring solutions, catering to small, medium, and large employers alike. We ensure that you can successfully hire top best-fit candidates first time. Why not explore our pre-recorded video interviews and start hiring today!

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10. Video Interview Platform: Client application story

Client Problem Statement:

The HR team at the IT consulting firm faces challenges in streamlining their recruitment process whilst maintaining the quality of hire. Traditional methods are inefficient, time-consuming, and often fail to deliver the desired quality of hire. The company requires a solution that will help them identify the best candidates quickly and efficiently, without sacrificing the personal element of the hiring process.

Assess Candidates Proposal:

After researching modern recruitment technologies, the HR team finds the Assess Candidates video interview platform. This digital solution provides an efficient way to evaluate candidates’ technical abilities, communication skills, and cultural fit. By automating the interview process, the platform enables candidates to answer preset technical questions created by the company in collaboration with Assess Candidates’ experts. HR staff can then review the recorded responses at their convenience, cutting down on the time needed for in-person interviews.

The platform also leverages AI-powered feedback, delivering data-driven insights into candidates’ performance. This allows the HR team to make well-informed hiring decisions faster, without compromising on quality.


The video interview platform will significantly reduce the IT firm’s time-to-hire, enabling the HR team to quickly fill open technical positions. Additionally, the hiring process will become both efficient and insightful, with the platform providing valuable candidate performance metrics. As a result, the company will be able to successfully build a high-performing technical team essential for its growth objectives.

Candidate feedback on the platform will be overwhelmingly positive, with applicants praising its ease of use, stress-reducing features, and the interactive, visually appealing interface that aims to enhance the experience.

Interested in getting the latest insights and advice on candidate assessment? Keep reading for frequently asked questions and sign up below with your email to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do video interviews for recruitment measure?

Video interviews for recruitment allow employers to assess a candidate’s communication skills, professionalism, technical knowledge, motivations, and cultural fit. Additionally, they provide insight into non-verbal cues such as body language and facial expressions. These insights together help employers predict a candidate’s potential performance and suitability for a specific role and company culture. This promotes more informed hiring decisions that align with both the job requirements and the company values.

Where in the recruitment process are video interviews used?

Video interviews are typically used during the screening stage of the recruitment process. We recommend conducting them after initial assessments such as resumes and skill-based tests, but before more in-depth evaluations like final in-person interviews or assessment centers. In particular, pre-recorded video interviews administered early on help employers quickly filter out candidates who lack the necessary skills or fit, ensuring that only the most promising applicants move forward to the next stage. This process saves time and resources, whilst providing early insight into the candidate’s suitability for the job and organization.

Are video interviews effective for recruitment?

Yes, video interviews for recruitment are highly effective. Pre-recorded video interviews enable employers to assess candidates at their convenience, without the need for travel and scheduling. They offer many advantages: efficiency, flexibility, consistency, and scalability. Video interviews also ensure that all candidates are asked the same pre recorded interview questions, which promotes fairness and objectivity. In addition, AI-driven insightsand the ability to rewatch responses can enable more accurate and data-driven hiring decisions.

How difficult are workplace personality tests?

Video interviews, particularly pre-recorded video interviews, are typically straightforward but require preparation. The time limit to answer each question can test a candidate’s ability to think on their feet and balance speed with quality. While some might find talking to a camera intimidating, the chance to retake certain pre-recorded interviews can reduce candidate anxiety. To help candidates perform well, it is important for employers to provide clear instructions and guidance on how to complete the video interview successfully.

Do video interviews ensure objectivity in the hiring process?

Yes, video interviews ensure objectivity in the hiring process by providing a standardized format for candidate evaluation. In pre-recorded interviews, all candidates are asked the same set of predefined questions, and recruiters can review responses multiple times, comparing candidates against the same scoring criteria. By focusing on both verbal and non-verbal communication, video interviews offer a comprehensive view of a candidate’s suitability based on objective hiring criteria, rather than subjective judgements. This minimizes bias and promotes a fair hiring process.

Ready to start hiring? Write to us, or try for free and assess candidates in minutes.