Logical reasoning pre-employment assessment tests for hiring | 2024/25 guide for recruiters

Logical reasoning tests are a cornerstone of pre-employment candidate screening, allowing organizations to quickly and accurately identify high-potential talent. 

As hiring managers, talent acquisition specialists, and HR professionals, you know that finding the right candidate quickly is critical – but often a challenging task. In today’s fast-paced job market and with the rise of online job boards like LinkedIn, candidates can apply to hundreds of positions with one click. Screening applications to select the best candidates has become increasingly time-consuming and costly, whilst traditional hiring methods often fall short. 

Instead, pre employment assessment testing offers a reliable and cost-effective solution for identifying and hiring the right candidates. More and more companies are now strategically integrating a variety of recruitment tools and methods into their candidate selection processes, such as online psychometric tests, video interviews, game-based assessments, and assessment centers. These tools help create a streamlined recruitment funnel, allowing recruiters to focus on selecting only the most qualified candidates at every stage of the hiring process.

In this article, we will take a closer look at one specific recruitment assessment tool: the logical reasoning test. We will explore what logical reasoning tests are and what is meant by logical reasoning, the benefits and limitations of these tests, why they are increasingly used by employers for hiring, and how you can incorporate them into your recruitment process too. 

Logical reasoning testing is a highly effective tool for assessing candidates’ cognitive skills and for saving time and resources when filtering out those who lack the necessary abilities for the role. For businesses seeking to make informed hiring decisions and build better-performing teams, logical reasoning tests are invaluable. 

Whether you are already familiar with the logical reasoning test or completely new to this assessment, you may have questions such as: 

  • Why should I use logical reasoning tests in my hiring process?
  • When should I give candidates a logical reasoning test?
  • Why is logical reasoning important in the workplace?
  • What roles benefit most from logical tests?
  • How can I use logical reasoning tests to build diverse and high-performing teams?

Keep reading to learn how the logical reasoning assessment can help you hire top, best-fit talent. At Assess Candidates, we are here to support you every step of the way. 


  1. What is a logical reasoning test?
  2. What do pre-employment logical reasoning tests measure?
  3. How do logical reasoning tests work as hiring tests?
  4. Why do employers use pre-employment logical reasoning tests for hiring?
  5. At what stage are logical reasoning tests used in the hiring process?
  6. Best practices for implementing logical reasoning tests into your recruitment strategy
  7. When to give candidates a logical reasoning test?
  8. What employers use logical reasoning assessment tests for hiring?
  9. Why top companies choose Assess Candidates logical reasoning tests to hire
  10. Logical reasoning tests: Client application story

1. What is a logical reasoning test?

A logical reasoning test, also known as a logical thinking test, logic test, or logical reasoning aptitude test, is a type of standardized pre-employment aptitude test. Unlike other pre-employment aptitude tests that measure cognitive skills such as numeracy or verbal comprehension, logical reasoning tests focus on a candidate’s ability to solve abstract problems and draw conclusions based on logic. These tests are non-verbal and non-numerical, making them unique in assessing problem-solving skills. 

What is a Logical Reasoning Test?

Logic tests are widely used in recruitment to screen candidates. Depending on the organization’s needs, they can be administered as online recruitment tests during the initial application process or as part of the job interview or assessment center. They typically involve a series of multiple-choice questions with a challenging time limit to simulate the pressure often experienced in the workplace. With minimal information, candidates are required to use their problem-solving skills to identify patterns, complete sequences, or solve puzzles.

Candidates do not need prior knowledge to complete a logical reasoning test. In fact, these assessments are designed to reflect the same logic and reasoning processes that we commonly use in both the workplace and everyday life.

What are the different types of logical reasoning tests?

There are in fact several types of logical reasoning tests that are implemented as pre-employment assessment tests. It is important to note, however, that the terms are often used interchangeably depending on the test provider. Understanding the distinctions between these tests can help you choose the most suitable one for your specific recruitment needs, role, and organization.

Types of pre-employment logical reasoning tests:

  • Logical Reasoning Tests (Inductive Reasoning Tests): These are the most widely used and assess a candidate’s logical thinking when presented with sequences of diagrams containing various shapes, orientations, and colors. The task for candidates is simple: identify the correct pattern and select what comes next in the sequence or fills a gap in the sequence based on logic.
  • Abstract Reasoning Tests: These tests examine a candidate’s lateral thinking and ability to understand abstract concepts and patterns. Candidates are required to identify the underlying trends between diagrams that follow a logical sequence to subsequently determine the missing diagram, find the odd one out, or detect the correct code.
  • Diagrammatic Reasoning Tests: As a specific branch of abstract reasoning testing, these assessments target a candidate’s ability to logically interpret diagrams of flowcharts with inputs and outputs. Candidates are tasked with identifying which inputs influence the diagrams to produce a specific output according to the given rules.
  • Spatial Reasoning Tests: These tests focus on a candidate’s ability to understand and manipulate spatial relationships between shapes and objects in both 2D and 3D. Candidates may be required to rotate objects, visualize 2D nets as 3D objects, cut objects in half, and reconstruct objects from different shapes and components. 
  • Deductive Reasoning Tests: They evaluate a candidate’s ability to reach logical conclusions based on a general set of rules and the data provided. For example, candidates might be asked to analyze team members’ schedules to pinpoint a meeting time when everyone is available.
  • Critical Thinking Tests: These assessments examine a candidate’s ability to analyze information, spot assumptions, and form sound judgments based on presented arguments and scenarios. They focus on how well candidates can critically evaluate complex information.

For recruiters and hiring managers, it is evident that logical reasoning tests can form an integral part of the candidate selection process. Logical tests provide valuable insights into your candidates’ logical thinking and problem-solving abilities and serve as a strong indicator of how they might perform in the role and workplace. 

These tests are particularly beneficial for roles that demand complex problem solving, critical thinking, innovation, and informed decision making under pressure, such as those in technical, financial, and engineering fields. However, we recommend using logical tests for nearly all roles, as logical thinking and application are essential skills that are valuable in every aspect of work and life.

Keep reading in the following sections to find out more about these assessments, including the specific logical reasoning skills they measure, the format of logical reasoning questions, and how you and your organization can leverage these tests in your recruitment strategies.

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Assess Candidates Logical Reasoning Tests

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2. What do pre-employment logical reasoning tests measure?

Logical reasoning tests are rooted in the principles of psychometrics, a scientific discipline that has been utilized in hiring and talent acquisition for decades. Psychometric assessments objectively measure candidates’ psychological capabilities, including work-related cognitive abilities, behavior, and personality. As a type of cognitive ability test, the logical reasoning test measures candidates’ cognitive ability in logical reasoning. But what is meant by logical reasoning, you may ask?

What is logical reasoning?

In short, logical reasoning is the ability to reach logical conclusions based on given data, premises, and their interrelationships. Examples of logical reasoning are solving problems systematically, thinking critically and creatively, analyzing information effectively, identifying rules or patterns, and making complex decisions.

What is Logical Reasoning?

Logical reasoning is assessed through a pre-employment logical test, where candidates are presented with patterns, sequences, diagrams, shapes, or statements and tasked with quickly finding a solution.

What specific logical reasoning skills are measured in a logical reasoning test?

A logical reasoning test measures key logical reasoning skills that are crucial for the workplace, such as: 

  • Problem-solving: Candidates are measured on their ability to apply logic to creatively solve abstract problems under time pressure. This involves using logical rules and principles to find a correct solution, reflecting the type of problem solving they might face in real workplace scenarios.
  • Analytical Thinking: These tests measure how well candidates can break down complex problems into smaller manageable components and analyze data to determine the most logical solution. This skill is essential for understanding and solving multi-faceted issues in a systematic way.
  • Deductive Reasoning: Candidates are also assessed on their capacity to use general ideas or a given set of premises to draw specific conclusions. This skill involves validating statements and making reasoned judgments based on the information provided.
  • Decision-Making: Logic tests evaluate a candidate’s ability to make informed business decisions based on logical analysis. They measure how effectively candidates can weigh up different options, consider the potential outcomes, and choose the best course of action under pressure.
  • Attention to Detail: Logical reasoning assessments also measure how well candidates notice subtle details and avoid errors. Precision is key to reaching accurate conclusions.

Why do employers use pre-employment logical reasoning tests?

Logical reasoning is a reliable predictor of how candidates will think, solve problems, handle pressure, and make business decisions in the workplace. Logical tests provide recruiters with a more accurate prediction of a candidate’s on-the-job performance than a CV or cover letter alone. For example, candidates who excel in the logical reasoning test are more likely to: 

  • Be sharp, detail-oriented, and practical employees
  • Effectively analyze complex data and situations
  • Solve problems systematically and creatively
  • Distinguish between correlation and causation to make sound business decisions under pressure
  • Identify logical errors to avoid costly mistakes
  • Adapt to new challenges using logical solutions and critical thinking
  • Contribute to innovative and strategic thinking and communication within the team.

Why is logical reasoning important in the workplace?

Logical reasoning and problem-solving skills are highly valued in today’s job market and workplace. In any work environment, we inevitably encounter problems, and strong logic enables us to gather and analyze the necessary data, draw logical conclusions, and effectively solve the problems. This not only helps companies overcome obstacles, but also drives growth and success.

Logical reasoning empowers employees to make well-informed business decisions, develop innovative and actionable solutions, communicate ideas and arguments coherently and persuasively, and adapt more easily to new environments. Candidates with strong logical reasoning skills excel in the workplace by assessing risks, processing facts, staying calm under pressure, and solving problems based on logic. This is particularly important for data-driven work environments.

In contrast, a lack of robust logical reasoning skills within teams and organizations can lead to costly errors, poor decision-making, inaccuracies, difficult collaboration, and ineffective problem-solving.

Logical reasoning also plays an important role in our daily lives. Examples of logical reasoning in real life involve making informed choices about finances, health, relationships, and career development.

Many companies overlook assessing logical reasoning skills during their hiring processes, instead relying on CVs to gauge candidates’ problem-solving and decision-making skills – a method proven to be an unreliable predictor of cognitive abilities due to the potential for dishonesty and exaggeration. 

The importance of using a pre-employment logical reasoning test cannot be overstated. These scientifically-validated assessments offer a reliable method of evaluating candidates’ logical reasoning and critical thinking skills whilst effectively filtering out those who don’t meet the required standards. 

Let’s now take a look at a logical reasoning test example and its format. 

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3. How do logical reasoning tests work as hiring tests?

Logical reasoning tests are typically timed assessments consisting of 14-40 multiple-choice questions, administered via an online assessment platform. As the assessment progresses, the difficulty of the logical reasoning questions often increases from simple pattern and rule recognition to more complex reasoning, whilst the demanding time limit remains constant. This requires candidates to find a balance between speed and accuracy, effectively managing the time pressure to complete the test and answer all questions as precisely as possible.

But what are logical reasoning questions?

Logical reasoning questions vary depending on the type of logical reasoning test, but the most common questions involve sequences of diagrams that contain shapes, numbers, or other elements.  Candidates are asked to decide what comes next in the sequence or what is missing in the sequence by identifying patterns and relationships in terms of shape, orientation, color, and number

Other logical reasoning questions may present candidates with a series of statements and require them to use deductive or inductive reasoning to reach conclusions or assess the validity of the statements. This could involve determining whether the statements are true, based on assumptions, or represent strong/weak arguments.

The abstract nature of logical reasoning questions combined with the time constraints can be challenging for candidates. Therefore, it is essential, as hiring managers and recruiters, that you encourage candidates to prepare and practice for these logic tests. Familiarizing themselves with logical sequence examples that match the test’s format and difficulty can help candidates reduce stress and anxiety to better demonstrate their true abilities.

Pre-employment logical reasoning test example question and answer

To help you visualize, now let’s look at an example of a logical reasoning question with worked solution below:

Logical Reasoning Example for Logical Reasoning Test

This typical logical reasoning example question presents a sequence of five diagrams containing various shapes. Candidates must examine the top diagrams carefully, identify the underlying pattern and rules, and choose what option comes next in the sequence out of the five options labeled A-E.

Logical test example worked solution:

  • The first step is to determine that the lines on figure 1 and 4 are symmetrical, as are the lines on 2 and 5. Thus, the correct answer must be symmetrical to the lines on 3. That leaves options A and D.
  • The shape also repeats after every 3 figures, so the correct answer must have the same shape as figure 3. This leaves options A and B. 
  • The number of black circles has a sequence of increasing by one → same → then increasing by one again. In the correct answer, there must be 6 black circles. That leaves options A and D.

Answer: The correct option must therefore be A

This logical sequence example is from Assess Candidates off-the-shelf logical reasoning tests. While bespoke solutions are rarely necessary, we offer customization options to tailor these assessments to the specific requirements of any role if required. Explore more logical reasoning questions and examples or get in touch with our experts to discuss customization options.

In the following section, we will explore the benefits of implementing a logical assessment test in your recruitment process.

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4. Why do employers use pre-employment logical reasoning tests for hiring?

Logical reasoning tests are a popular tool among employers for pre-employment testing and candidate selection. These assessments provide objective insights which enable recruiters to identify candidates with the desired problem-solving skills, logical thinking, and judgment and progress them to the interview stage. Moreover, logic tests help to significantly narrow down large applicant pools, making them especially beneficial for graduate employers and recruitment

In this section, we explore the benefits of incorporating logical reasoning tests into your recruitment process, including how they save time and money, improve the quality of hires, and help reduce biases and discrimination. 

Benefits of Logical Reasoning Tests for Hiring

What are the benefits of using pre-employment logical reasoning tests for hiring?

  1. Saving Time and Money

As you know, finding and hiring skilled candidates is often a lengthy, costly, and complex process. Logical reasoning tests, administered automatically online and at scale, help streamline and speed up the hiring process

Instead of manually sifting through hundreds of applications and resumes, logical tests can be used early in the selection process to efficiently screen thousands of candidates in minutes. Results are instantaneously available with a single click, allowing hiring managers to easily reject unqualified candidates and focus on selecting the most qualified, saving valuable time

Additionally, logical reasoning tests reduce the high costs associated with high-volume recruitment. As these tests are administered online and typically priced per test or at a flat fee, they offer a low cost per candidate, making them an efficient and cost-effective selection tool. Any savings can then be allocated to more expensive methods such as in-person interviews or assessment centers. 

Did you know? Using a robust logical reasoning test for initial screening can reduce large candidate pools by 30%, or by 50% when partnered with another pre employment aptitude test such as a numerical reasoning test. This is particularly beneficial for graduate recruitment, where employers need to sift through a large number of seemingly equally qualified candidates. 

  1. Improving the Quality of Hire

When used effectively, a logical reasoning test can greatly enhance the quality of hires. Logic tests are scientifically validated to accurately predict candidates’ job performance when solving complex problems, making decisions, and applying logical thinking to workplace data. In fact, these tests are more reliable predictors of job performance than CVs, which can be compromised by dishonesty and exaggeration. 

Logical reasoning tests also provide insight into a candidate’s potential for long-term success within the role and organization, leading to more accurate and well-matched hires. With the right capabilities and skills, employees are more likely to be satisfied with their role, perform better, and stay longer with the company – an important factor given the high costs associated with employee turnover.

Logical reasoning tests are powerful indicators of job performance. Their predictive validity increases when combined in the hiring assessment process with other cognitive ability tests, such as numerical and verbal reasoning assessments. Logical tests are more often used in conjunction with numerical tests, rather than verbal tests, as the roles they assess for involve working with non-verbal information such as data analysis. A holistic approach allows hiring managers to make informed hiring decisions based on the comprehensive combined results of candidates’ skill sets and potential, ensuring only the most qualified candidates advance in the application process.

  1. Producing Reliable Data-driven Results

Logical reasoning tests are invaluable for organizations that prioritize data-driven hiring and want to eliminate guesswork in the recruitment process. These tests provide quantifiable, comparative data on candidates’ logical reasoning skills, enabling employers to easily compare applicants and identify the high performers to progress to the next assessment stage. This approach significantly reduces the risk of costly mis-hires

  1. Reducing Bias

Logical reasoning tests are standardized and indiscriminate, designed to reduce both conscious and unconscious biases in the hiring process. By selecting candidates exclusively from data on their logical reasoning skills and potential job performance rather than preconceived biases related to background, education, age, gender, ethnicity, or race, these tests ensure that hiring decisions are fair and objective.

For candidates from underprivileged backgrounds, who may struggle to demonstrate their full potential in traditional interviews, logical tests offer an objective platform to showcase their merit. Additionally, the non-verbal nature of these assessments makes them accessible to candidates across different languages. This promotes a fair, inclusive, and objective hiring process that aligns with company values and legal policies.

  1. Improving Diversity and Inclusion

Online logical reasoning tests open application processes to a broader pool of candidates, for example, those who are unable to attend in-person interviews or assessments. By adjusting the logical test’s cut-off scores, hiring managers and recruiters can further diversify the talent pool and address specific traits and knowledge gaps within their existing team. This approach creates a more diverse and inclusive workforce.

  1. Ensuring a User-friendly Candidate Experience

Logical reasoning tests are designed to be easily accessible and user-friendly. Logical reasoning questions are straightforward and the styles vary, presenting different sequences, shapes, patterns, and rules to keep candidates engaged. This ensures a smooth and positive candidate experience

Integrating a logical reasoning test into your hiring process empowers you to confidently shortlist candidates who have the essential logical reasoning skills needed for the role. This contributes to building a more successful and productive workforce that not only performs better but also has higher retention rates

Unlock the advantages of including a logical reasoning test in your recruitment strategy. HIRE FOR FREE

However, as with any assessment methodology, it is important to think about any potential drawbacks to ensure you are making well-informed decisions. 

4 things to consider before using logical reasoning tests in your hiring process

  1. Test Anxiety: Completing a logic test, similar to any assessment, can induce stress and anxiety, hindering candidates from providing logical and reasoned responses.

Solution: Combine game-based assessments with other types of assessments, such as traditional cognitive ability tests or personality questionnaires. This can provide a comprehensive evaluation of a candidate’s abilities.

  1. Limited Predictive Validity: A logical reasoning test does not paint the full picture of a candidate’s skills. Just because a candidate does well on the logical test, does not necessarily mean they will perform well in the real world.

Solution: Combine logical reasoning tests with other selection methods, such as a numerical reasoning test, situational judgement tests, structured job interviews, and assessment centers. This comprehensive approach provides a more holistic view of a candidate’s natural technical abilities, competencies, and personality traits, significantly boosting the predictive validity of results.

  1. Soft Skills Assessment: When used in isolation, logical reasoning tests can prevent candidates from demonstrating their soft skills.

Solution: Whilst logical reasoning tests measure candidates’ logical reasoning, a crucial cognitive ability, we also recommend assessing soft skills at later recruitment stages. Pre-employment testing tools like situational judgement tests, interviews, or assessment center can complement the insights gained from the logical reasoning test and provide a more balance evaluation of candidates.

  1. Cheating Concerns: It is technically possible for candidates to cheat on an online logic test or have someone else complete it on their behalf.

Solution: When selecting an assessment test provider, it is important to check whether they offer robust cheating prevention measures. Many third-party assessment providers, such as Assess Candidates, provide cheat detection technology and mechanisms to ensure test integrity.

Now that we have a better understanding of the benefits and potential drawbacks of using logical reasoning tests as hiring tests, we will now discuss where and when logical reasoning tests should be integrated into the hiring process.

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5. At what stage are logical reasoning tests used in the hiring process?

Logical reasoning tests can be strategically implemented at various stages of the pre-employment recruitment process, depending on the type and seniority of the role. However, they are most effective during the initial stages of screening and filtering candidates. These tests offer a quick and efficient way to identify top-performing candidates with the essential skills early on. For optimal results, we suggest combining the logical reasoning test with other online pre-employment aptitude assessments at this early stage, such as a numerical,and/or verbal reasoning test.

Why use logical reasoning tests in the hiring process?

Imagine you are hiring for a new role and have received 1,000 applications. By initially inviting all applicants to complete an online logical reasoning test, you can quickly and accurately evaluate candidates’ logical reasoning. And by setting a threshold, you can easily filter out those who don’t meet the criteria. Successful candidates who score above the threshold can then progress to the next assessment stages, whether a situational judgment test, personality test, in-person or video interview, or assessment center.

Candidates receive a link to the talent assessment platform and are given a dedicated timeframe (usually several days) to complete the logical reasoning assessment. Recruiters can review candidate results through an online reporting dashboard and choose the top candidates to shortlist for the next round of recruitment tests.

Below is a detailed explanation of the purpose and role of logical reasoning tests at different stages of the hiring process:

Stage of hiring processPurpose of logical reasoning testBenefits
Early-stage screeningTo sift candidates– Saves time and resources by quickly identifying candidates who don’t meet the minimum threshold for logical reasoning skills
– Reduces unconscious bias in the screening process
Initial evaluationTo assess logical reasoning skills– Provides a more accurate, objective, and detailed evaluation of candidates 
– Often used in low-volume and rolling recruitment
Interview processTo assess logical reasoning skills– Provides a well-rounded view of candidates’ logical reasoning, including problem-solving, decision-making, and critical thinking skills
– Reduces bias and subjectivity
OnboardingTo tailor the onboarding process based on candidate results– Provides precise insights into a candidate’s logical thinking skills, enabling you to customize training sessions accordingly
– Proactively addresses new employees’ areas for improvement
How Logical Reasoning Tests are Used in the Hiring Process

Incorporating logical reasoning tests at different stages of the hiring process can help organizations optimize their operations, minimize biases, ensure candidate satisfaction, and customize onboarding and training according to each new employee’s needs. Logical tests are also broadly used internally within companies to assess employees for promotion opportunities. Use a logical reasoning test at the assessment stage that works for you!

Logical tests also enable employers to pinpoint areas where they should invest in for the learning and development of new hires and current employees. By using a logic test as a diagnostic tool within teams, employers can reveal strengths in logical reasoning as well as knowledge gaps and areas needing improvement. Whether the goal is to enhance problem-solving skills and critical thinking, improve communication of ideas and arguments, refine data analysis based on logic, or make better business decisions, these insights are invaluable for designing and implementing a targeted approach to the professional development and upskilling of new hires and employees.

Now, let’s explore in more detail logical tests for job interviews.

How to test logical thinking in an interview?

If you opt not to administer a logical reasoning test during the initial screening phase, we recommend that you assess candidates’ logical reasoning skills during the interview process whether in-person or a video interview – with a logical test for interview. 

But what is a logical reasoning test for a job interview?

Incorporating logical reasoning interview questions into your job interview helps prevent mis-hires and addressing skill gaps within your organization. The goal of a logical test in the interview is to evaluate a candidate’s ability to think critically on the spot, identify patterns, make reasoned decisions, and solve complex problems under pressure.

During a logical test interview, candidates might encounter logical reasoning interview questions such as: 

  1. Pattern Recognition: These questions ask candidates to examine a sequence of shapes, numbers, or symbols, identify the correct pattern, and explain their reasoning. 

An example question could be: “What is the next item in this sequence of numbers: 2, 4, 8, 16?” or “What comes next in the sequence of shapes: circle, square, triangle, circle, square, and why?”

  1. Problem-solving: These questions aim to reveal a candidate’s approach to solving problems. They might focus on either candidate’s past experiences solving problems or hypothetical situations in order to predict their potential performance in the workplace. 

An example question could be: “You are given a set of data with an inconsistency. How would you identify the issue and then resolve it?”

  1. Deductive Reasoning: These questions ask candidates to draw logical conclusions from a set of statements or premises and justify their answer.

An example question could be: “All team leaders attend weekly meetings. Maria is a team leader. Does Maria attend weekly meetings?”

  1. Inductive Reasoning: These questions ask candidates to infer general principles from specific examples.

An example question could be: “If all the apples in the basket are red and you take one apple from the basket, what can you infer about the color of the apple you took?”

A well-rounded logic test interview should also measure other complementary soft skills, such as critical thinking, communication, teamwork, attention to detail, analytical thinking, time management, and adaptability. This comprehensive approach ensures that candidates not only excel in logical reasoning but also have broader skills that are necessary for the role.

Explore our logical tests and video interviews developed by Chartered Scientists and Psychologists. LEARN MORE

In the next section, we outline step-by-step the best practices for incorporating a logical reasoning test into your hiring process. Ready to dive in?

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6. Best practices for integrating logical reasoning tests into your recruitment strategy

To achieve optimal results when integrating a logical reasoning test into your hiring process, it is important to follow several best practices. Here, we have outlined three straightforward steps to help you effectively shortlist and select the right candidates first time.

1. Create your logical reasoning assessment campaign

  • Decide in advance whether to ask candidates to take a standalone logical reasoning test or combine it with other pre-employment assessment tests. We recommend combining the logical test with a numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, situational judgement, and/or personality test to improve predictive accuracy and provide a comprehensive view of candidates’ cognitive abilities, behaviors, and personality traits. Using multiple assessments also reduces the influence of bias in the recruitment process.
  • Set clear cut-off scores for your logical reasoning test before launching your recruitment campaign. These should be based on industry standards, the specific role requirements, and the strength of logical reasoning skills required for the role.
  • Establish a definite deadline for candidates to complete the logical reasoning test and ensure consistent time limits for all candidates. This standardization ensures that candidates are assessed under equitable conditions, promoting fairness and objectivity in the hiring process.
Create a Logical Reasoning Test Recruitment Campaign

2. Invite candidates to your logical reasoning assessment

  • Invite candidates in a single click to complete your logical reasoning test by individual email, CSV file upload or public link. 
Invite Candidates to your Logical Reasoning Assessment

3. Analyze candidate results and shortlist candidates

  • Track candidates’ progress in real-time as they are taking the logical reasoning test. Access automatically graded results and detailed reports immediately after test completion.
  • Use advanced tools to rank, filter, and sort candidates based on criteria, such as performance score, number of assessments completed, hiring status, confidence score, and more. This feature allows you to quickly and easily view, compare, and select top talent for your role and organization to progress to the next assessment stage.
Shortlist your Top Performing Candidates for Logical Reasoning

By following this streamlined, hassle-free selection process and best practices, you can make informed hiring decisions with confidence. Try our logical reasoning tests and discover how they can help you identify candidates with the logical reasoning skills needed for success in your role and organization. 

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7. When to give candidates a logical reasoning test?

Logical reasoning tests are one of the most widely utilized hiring tests in candidate selection due to their versatility. They are suitable for a wide range of positions, from apprenticeships and graduate schemes to experienced managerial and senior executive roles. The logical reasoning questions can be adapted accordingly to match the complexity and demands of each specific role.

In this section, we explore how logical reasoning tests are practically applied across different types of recruitment and highlight the roles that benefit most from these recruitment tests.

2 examples when employers should use logical reasoning tests for hiring

  1. High-volume recruitment: Managing recruitment for popular roles that attract hundreds or thousands of applications can be daunting. Logical tests are particularly effective for high-volume recruitment as they offer hiring managers a quick and efficient way to screen and filter through large numbers of seemingly suitable candidates early in the process. This helps identify top talent efficiently for their organizations.

Logical reasoning tests are especially popular for graduate schemes and entry-level roles, where organizations need to find and hire multiple graduates within a relatively short time period whilst ensuring the process is fair and legally defensible.

  1. Rolling recruitment: For employers who prefer to review applications on a continuous rolling basis and fill vacancies as they arise, logical reasoning tests offer an excellent solution. These tests help establish a standardized and streamlined process for both candidates and hiring managers. By quickly identifying high-performing candidates, the recruitment cycle is shorter and more efficient, enabling employers to confidently advance applicants to the initial interview stages as soon as opportunities become available.

Which industries and roles should use logical reasoning assessments tests for hiring and why?

In short, the answer is…most! The vast majority of roles across industries require employees to solve complex problems, think critically, and make sound decisions. However, certain sectors and positions – especially those that rely on innovation, algorithmic thinking, and the practical application of logic – demand strong logical reasoning skills and have been successfully using logical tests for decades to select top candidates. In such cases, integrating a logical reasoning test into the hiring process is not just beneficial but essential.

Industries that use logical reasoning assessment tests for hiring include: 

  • Banking, Finance, and Accounting: Logical reasoning tests are commonly used for banking, finance, and accounting jobs, where professionals must analyze financial data, assess risks, and solve financial problems, often under significant pressure and with tight deadlines. These roles require strong logical reasoning skills to evaluate various data points and probabilities to make accurate, informed decisions. Logical tests are frequently paired with numerical reasoning assessments to measure candidates’ data interpretation and financial decision-making skills. Major employers using these tests include Barclays, Lloyds Banking Group, HSBC, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and American Express.
  • Technology: Logical reasoning and problem-solving skills are crucial for highly technical roles that require data analysis, systems and software troubleshooting, and strategic decision-making. Logical reasoning and abstract reasoning tests are increasingly employed in the hiring processes for technical roles and some companies who have integrated these tests into their recruitment processes are Google, Amazon, and Microsoft.
  • Consulting: Logical tests are widely used for entry-level jobs, graduate schemes, internships, and senior roles within the consulting industry as logical reasoning and problem-solving is a sought-after skill. Employers that use logic tests include the Big Four (Deloitte, PwC, EY, KPMG), strategic consultancies (Bain, McKinsey) as well as smaller, specialized consultancies.
  • Law: The legal profession demands the ability to process vast amounts of information under high-pressure conditions to reach logical conclusions. Logical reasoning tests are therefore used by top law firms such as Freshfields, Allen & Overy, Baker & Mckenzie, and White & Case to assess candidates’ logical thinking skills.
  • FMCG: In the fast-paced world of FMCG, logical reasoning is crucial for solving logistical challenges, analyzing consumer trends, optimizing production processes, and making strategic marketing decisions. As such, leading FMCG companies like Unilever, Amazon, and Nestlé use logical reasoning tests during recruitment.

Broadly speaking, the industries like finance, technology, law, and FMCG, have long relied on logical reasoning tests to identify and hire top talent. Failing to assess candidates’ logical reasoning skills can lead to diminished team performance and hinder overall company success. Therefore, prioritizing logical tests in your recruitment strategy is crucial for ensuring you select the right candidates who will contribute positively to your organization’s goals.

Roles that use logical reasoning assessment tests for hiring include: 

  • Accountant
  • Consultant
  • Financial Analyst
  • Software Engineer
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Computer Programmer
  • IT Specialist
  • Risk Analyst
  • Architect
  • Data Scientist
  • Lawyer
  • Management Trainee
Roles that Use Logical Reasoning Tests for Hiring

For roles that do not demand advanced logical reasoning skills, basic literacy and numeracy tests are still often used for recruitment to highlight candidates’ attention to detail, problem-solving abilities, and accuracy when handling numerical and written information.

If you are an employer that is unsure about whether using a logical reasoning test is the right choice for your organization, click here to learn more or contact us for a free analysis for your recruitment needs. 

We will now provide some examples of employers who successfully use logical reasoning tests in their hiring process.

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8. What employers use logical reasoning assessment tests for hiring?

Logical reasoning tests have been a staple in the recruitment processes of major global corporations for decades. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and startups are also increasingly recognizing the value of these assessments to enhance their candidate selection processes and make more informed, objective hiring decisions. Below are some of the leading employers using the best logical reasoning assessments:

  • Deloitte
  • Lloyds Banking Group
  • Accenture
  • PwC
  • HSBC
  • Dyson
  • Morgan Stanley
  • JP Morgan
  • Unilever
  • Amazon
  • Barclays
  • Goldman Sachs
  • EY
  • KPMG
  • Google
  • Microsoft
  • Nestlé
  • BP
  • Citigroup
  • American Express
  • McDonald’s

Are logical reasoning tests suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)?

Many SMEs have traditionally overlooked logical reasoning tests due to the infrastructure demands often associated with these assessments. While larger companies typically have the resources and technology to implement in-house pre-employment testing, smaller organizations have found it challenging to do the same. However, this barrier has been significantly reduced with the rise of specialized third-party SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) solutions for talent acquisition.

Today, businesses of all sizes are using online pre-employment assessment tests, such as logical reasoning tests, offered by providers like Assess Candidates. These tools are cost-effective, often more affordable than traditional interviews, and require no additional infrastructure setup from the employer. Modern recruitment assessment tests are fully automated, cloud-based, and can be easily integrated into existing recruitment campaigns, making them quick and simple to deploy.

While concerns about the cost of incorporating an online logical reasoning test into your hiring strategy are natural, modern pricing models are flexible to accommodate any recruitment type or volume. The cost of a poor hiring decision or missing out on diversifying the talent pool far outweighs any investment in these assessments.

With the availability of affordable candidate testing software and the simplicity of integrating a logical reasoning assessment into existing recruitment processes, smaller businesses can now access the same advanced evaluation tools once exclusive to larger organizations.

Unless you or your organization specialize in candidate selection and pre-employment assessments, we recommend partnering with a talent assessment software provider like Assess Candidates to effectively evaluate your candidates’ logical reasoning skills.

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9. Why top employers choose Assess Candidates logical reasoning tests to hire

At Assess Candidates, we specialize in various pre employment aptitude tests, including logical reasoning tests, and can design customized recruitment campaigns to suit the specific recruitment needs of any business.

Below is an example of the campaign reporting dashboard that you will find on the Assess Candidates platform. This user-friendly tool is accessible to hiring managers and HR professionals, offering valuable insights and advanced sorting functions to streamline candidate assessment and selection.

Logical reasoning test campaign dashboard for recruiters

Here are the top 4 reasons why you should use Assess Candidates’ logical reasoning tests for your hiring tests:

  1. Designed and Scientifically Validated by Expert Psychologists: Assess Candidates’ logical reasoning tests are developed by Chartered Scientists, Psychologists, and Psychometricians with decades of experience designing assessment solutions for companies like SHL and IBM Kenexa. Our logical tests have undergone rigorous testing and validation to accurately measure candidates’ logical reasoning and problem-solving skills. These tests have consistently proven successful in selecting and hiring top talent across various organizations and industries. 
  1. Expert Reporting: Assess Candidates’ user-friendly and easy-to-navigate assessment platform enables employers to analyze candidate reports in detail and make informed hiring decisions based on flexible criteria. Recruiters can easily view individual candidates’ performance on the logical reasoning test, then filter, rank, compare, and shortlist candidates. Additionally, our talent assessment platform also offers the option to integrate with your existing ATS for a seamless experience. 
  1. Positive Candidate Experience: Assess Candidates’ logic test is easily accessible from any device and features an aesthetic and user-friendly interface for candidates. It provides clear assessment instructions and can be fully branded to match your organization. The tests are designed to require minimal clicks to complete, with the assessment automatically moving to the next question once answered. This ensures a seamless and positive candidate experience, which they will associate with your brand. 
  1. Candidate Accessibility Support: Assess Candidates offers support for individuals with disabilities and visual impairments. All our assessments, including the logical reasoning test, have the option to add extra time, include zoom functionalities, and ensure the use of accessible color schemes and images in compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), guaranteeing compatibility with screen readers.

Assess Candidates is one of the major pre employment aptitude test providers proven to provide end-to-end assessment solutions for small, medium, and large employers. We ensure that you can successfully hire top best-fit candidates first time. Why not explore the best logical reasoning assessments and start hiring today!

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10. Logical reasoning tests: Client application story

Client Problem Statement:

Imagine a fast-growing technology company struggling to identify and hire the right talent for its software engineering and IT management roles. While the company attracts a large number of applicants with technical qualifications, its current recruitment process falls short in evaluating candidates’ logical reasoning abilities, which are crucial for problem-solving, algorithmic thinking, and decision-making. This gap in the assessment process leads to poor hiring decisions, increased project delays, and frustration among team leaders and HR. The company needs a more effective selection method to assess candidates’ logical reasoning skills to ensure they can excel in these demanding technical roles.

Assess Candidates Proposal:

At Assess Candidates, we recommend that this tech company integrate a logical reasoning test early in its recruitment process. This test would assess candidates’ ability to think critically, solve complex problems, and apply logical reasoning in real-world scenarios—all vital skills for software engineering and IT management roles. By administering the logical reasoning test, recruiters and hiring managers can efficiently screen a large volume of applicants and identify those with the strongest cognitive abilities who should advance to the next stage of the hiring process.


By incorporating logical reasoning tests into their hiring assessments, the technology company can better identify and hire top talent with the essential problem-solving and logical thinking skills needed for success in technical roles. This approach provides a reliable and data-driven method to evaluate candidates, empowering recruiters to make informed hiring decisions with confidence. Leveraging logical reasoning tests helps the company meet its talent acquisition goals for software engineering and IT management positions, leading to higher quality hires, reduced project delays, and improved overall business performance.

Interested in getting the latest insights and advice on candidate assessment? Keep reading for frequently asked questions and sign up below with your email to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do logical reasoning tests for hiring measure?

Pre-employment logical reasoning tests measure a candidate’s ability to solve complex problems and draw conclusions based on logic from sequences, patterns, and statements. High-scorers on logical tests typically have strong critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills in the workplace, making them suited for roles which require complex problem solving and high functioning logic.

Where in the recruitment process are logical reasoning tests used?

Logical reasoning tests are often used in the initial screening stages of the recruitment process to evaluate candidates’ logical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. These tests help employers shortlist the most qualified applicants for the next recruitment stage. Logical reasoning tests are especially valuable for roles that involve complex problem solving and analytical thinking, such as technical, financial, and engineering roles.

How effective are logical reasoning assessment tests for hiring?

Logical reasoning tests are highly effective tools for hiring, backed by decades of research and rigorous scientific validation. These assessments provide a reliable and accurate measure of candidates’ problem-solving and decision-making skills. By incorporating logical reasoning tests into the hiring process, employers can better predict candidates’ potential performance in the workplace, leading to more informed hiring decisions, enhanced productivity, and reduced training costs.

How difficult are pre-employment logical reasoning tests?

Pre-employment logical reasoning tests vary in difficulty based on the talent assessment provider and role requirements. Logic tests focus on candidates’ ability to identify patterns, solve problems, and reach logical conclusions under timed conditions. While some assessments may be more challenging than others, they aim to be fair and objective, enabling candidates to perform well regardless of their prior experience.

Do logical reasoning tests ensure objectivity in the hiring process?

Yes, logical reasoning tests ensure objectivity in the hiring process by providing a standardized, bias-free method to evaluate candidates’ logical reasoning skills. They use consistent scoring criteria and assess candidates based solely on their skills and performance, rather than subjective judgments. Logical reasoning tests offer a fair assessment of candidates, empowering employers to make objective and informed hiring decisions.

Ready to start hiring? Write to us, or try for free and assess candidates in minutes.